Thief: Deadly Shadows: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 6, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Thief: Deadly Shadows: Passage
Thief: Deadly Shadows: Game Walkthrough and Guide
+Dubinka (Blackjack) for a quiet enemy stun.
+Dagger (Dagger) for melee, as well as secretive murder.
+Pointed Arrow (Broadhead Arrow) Standard arrows. They can be pulled out of wooden items and reuse.
+Noisemaker Arrow creates noise to distract the enemy. Do not shoot yourself under your feet 🙂
+Fire Arrow Fire Arrow You can not only hit the enemy, but also set fire to the oil puddle to block him the path. At the time of use of the fire arrows, the enemy can easily see (and hear) you.
+Water Arrow (Water Arrow) Darkness – Friend Sam Fisher. That is Garreina. Shoot the torches and candles. Water arrows can also be used to slow blood stains. And if you shoot the moss in the stain, it will increase in the amount.
+Gas arrow (Gas Arrow) produces a gas cloud, effective when entering face.
+Moss Arrow (Moss Arrow) creates moss islands on earth, where you can jump out silent. You can stroke the enemy, shifting him in the face of the moss.
+Mina (Explosive Mine) Throw her to the ground, it will work in motion.
+Stunning bomb (FlashBomb) temporarily blinds opponents.
+Medical medicine (Health Potion)
+Holy Water (HOLY WATER) It can be found on the ship in the docks and in Forta Aironwood. Applied against zombies.
+Oil bottle (Oil Flask) opponents will slide over the oil pool and fall. Fiery arrow you can set fire to the oil puddle.
+Gas Bomb (Gas Bomb) A very effective means of eliminating too curious citizens.

The maximum number of items that Garrett can take:
Health Potion = 10
Broadhead arrows = 30
Noisemakers = 5
Water arrows = 25
Moss arrows = 20
Gas arrows = 5
Fire arrows = 15
Flash BOMBS = 20
Explosive Mine = 5
Gas Bomb = 5
Oil Flask = 5
If you have the maximum number, then you should not pick it up, otherwise Garrett will take it, and in the inventory it will not appear and will be just lost.

From the chosen level of complexity depends on the amount of the lute, which must be collected (light – 30%, the norm is 40%, complex – 60%, expert – 90%), the number of unique items (norm – 1 pc., Complex – 2 pcs., Expert – 3 pcs.), the ability of artificial intelligence and murder restrictions.
AI is a bit strange: closer to the middle of the game you can often see such a picture – someone kills a town-dweller, goes on a step, and speaks surprised “Here is blood! who did this?”. The likelihood is that the murder will hang on Garretz.

Do not step on the rats, they are singing and attract attention.
Protection notices open doors and chests, so do not forget to close them. Also, opponents may notice the absence of their comrades or that some things are stolen, and start searching.
In the near battle, the opponents are obviously stronger than Garrett, so avoid armed conflicts. But Garrett runs faster than it is worth using 🙂
City Guard knows Garrett in the face, should not be shown on his eyes. From ordinary residents you can not hide – they are either unobservable, or simply do not read leaflets disclined throughout the city. But do not do in their presence anything that could encourage them to call the guards.
You can join the pagans, to the Hammerits, or work at all at once. Advantages: Members of these groups will no longer attack you, but you should not harm them and steal them. However, you can stay aside and work on yourself.
Shamans and priests can not crawl spells without their sticks. And these sticks can steal. You can also intercept useful spells that they help allies.
In each district, there is usually a shop of buyer and a thieves store, and with different assortment. LUT is three species: valuable items made of copper, gold, silver;gems;Works of art (type of patterns). Buyers specialize in something concrete, none takes all kinds of lute immediately. Perry and Berta take metal and stones, Dahlia from docks – paintings and stones.
Valuable objects flicker, or sparkle. Do not rush to grab everything that goes under your arm – taking a unpleasant thing, you will have to quit it, and therefore, it is superfluous.
How to become a pickpocket: Surride to rich Pin so that the wallet (or key) on the belt ranged as active and stole it. Decorations so can not steal, first you need to stun the victim.
Weapons and LUT in some places appear every day again – it is very useful to go through such “points”, save money.

Prison: you can visit prison, but only one day. For this you just need to get on the eyes of the city guard, but not fight them, but just wait. You will not be killed, but will put in jail. To get out from there, steal the keys to the guard, walking by the camera.

When loading the saved game, the difficulty level is reset to normal. or easy to disappear to the game to version
It is impossible to go to the store of the buyer and others. Problems of Pirate Localization – put alternative Russification of the game, for example., or install the English version.

Checking Inn – Cashing Out

Training Mission.
The heartless Perry, the stolen burner, gave a tip on Lord Julian, who was seen in the hotel blue heron with a velvet handbag containing clearly something valuable.
Go in the footsteps and follow the directions that appear on the screen. It makes no sense to deviate from the intended path – you will immediately be returned back. Nevotfully pass by couple of guards. Getting into the cellar of the hotel, get an indication to pay off the torch with a water boom. Do not forget to replenish the stock of arrows – they are on the drawer next to the torch. Catch through the boxes. Further from you will need to hack the door lock and, rising the stairs, sneak to the owner of the hotel. Hit his baton, throw the body on the stairs. Look at the list of guests – Lord Julian settled in the pion room. On the second floor you will be tested. Take the Silver Cup on the table. Take the guard at the door of the Pion Room, shooting the noise arrow into the room opposite. In the pion room, take a plate, candlestick, and read a note. Lord Giulian and Cook Morris are found in Lancaster’s room. Return to the corridor and in the next room grab the candlestick (in the chest). Now go to Lancaster’s room, put the cup and go down to the 1st floor. Lord Giulian and cook sitting by the fireplace, velvet handbag on the table between them. Pay off the nearest torch, steal this handbag and a cup per bar. In the kitchen, the door behind you will shut and a security guard will appear. Throw a bomb-flash and run away from the hotel.

End of the Bloodline

Lord Giulian conceived to steal from his cousin, Lord Ambeger, family relic – generic opal (Bloodline Opal). In the velvet purse turned out to be a bronze medallion – the key to the repository. Perry says the medallion belongs to Rutherford. So, Julian wants to get into Rutherford Castle on a product trolley, and the cook will open the door on the conventional sign. What prevents Garrett to take advantage of this plan?

Go to the left from the main door and climb on the low walls upstairs. Can be climbed into the window, but why not file a signal to the cook, since it is supposed to be a plot? Go around the courtyard along the floor along the wall of the castle and put the torch in the form of a lion’s head. Cook will open the door. Take the Cup (on the barrel) and enter the castle. At the end of the passage you will find a bottle with a medicine and a note. The storage in the basement is protected by an additional lattice, open which only Lord Amber can.
In the bedrooms for servants, go on the chests and go out into the open door. A guard is walking along the corridor, next to the right one more sees the statue. Sick the noise boom into the end of the corridor so that these two run to the noise, grab jade in the hands of the statue and run right in the weapon. Following the guard with a torch, we will move to the distant corner and take 6 pointed arrows. Fold in the side passage and through the “foggy” portal will fall into the inside of the castle.
Get out into the courtyard and on the other side hack a locked door. Do not pay attention to the servants, right in Niche take the candlestick and hack the door to the cook room. Read his diary (in the rest of Lord Ambeger there is a secret lever) and check the chest. Take a look at the kitchen – there is a cup, a healing drink and, in fact, the cook itself. Now in the dining room. Leave the maids alone, they are not guilty of anything;It is better to exacerbate the candles under the ceiling and quietly, but quickly take out all the valuable: three cups on the tables and two candlesticks over the fireplace. Return to the courtyard in the same way, how came. In the bushes opposite the door, you can jump onto the wall and get on the wooden flooring of the 2nd floor. Choose jade ring and clutch in the window (where the bookcase). Clean the chest. Lord Ember circulates between room and corridor. When he leaves in the corridor, read the diary on the table, take the cup, medallion on the fireplace, the candlestick and the key on the shelves, coins on the table, and turn the lever (an inzhny torch). Squeeze to the door at the door and pull out Lord Ember Key with a belt. He is no longer needed, just try to do it, in the future it will be useful. 🙂
Select through the same window into the yard and use the lift. From the lift right to the door. While the guard and maid gather gossip, hurry to sneak past them left and take the cup under the stairs. Return back. When the guard and the maid will disperse, go on the stairs upstairs. If the guard will stand back, crap him with a bat – He is the only one in this mission, who so encroaches. Close to Lady Elizabeth. Here the chest, on the shelf – coins, and above the bed – jade necklace (jump on the cabinet). Read the notes and diary (Hmm, Clive Warwick all the worries, just thought that about treasures from his last excursion. This unknown treasure sacrificed Museum Wildstrom).
Come back and past the elevator to the left in the portal. Open the door and look right. If there is no one, then hide in the shade near the room, wait for the servant and steal behind him to the far door, passing the note on the table. Store the candlestick, hack the door. Entering, close the door behind you. Clean the chest and move the box at the wall, through the showed passage, will get to the balcony, at the end of which remove the picture – the portrait of the Mortimer of the insane brush of the Master Arbor. The staircase is visible from the balcony – you go there. Return through the room back to the stairs, on the left, go through the railing and grab the pebbles on the table. It’s time to visit the treasury in the basement. From the hall with the stairs leave the right. On the right wall along the windows, sneak into the basement, in the treasury, take opal and other Lut. Rise back. Near the survey with sleepy (or drunk?) The guard must be turned right, but it will notice, so make a hook along the corridor. There is one unexplored room. Hack the door, extinguish the torch and wait until the guard returns to the window. Hack the chest at the window, take two candlesticks on the closet (jump) and go on the table in the adjacent room. Get out the window and go to the goal.

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