Thief: The Dark Project: Game Walkthrough and Guide

I – Thief
The first acquaintance with the prevni to the game caused a sense of easy bewilderment. How it is to play thief? We have already become accustomed to the clevergammogs and solubs-soldiers, and it seems that the thief is one of the weakest and unnecessary professions. However, the guys from Looking Glass Technologies, who have already rejoicing us with such masterpieces as System Shock, decided to go their own way and gave us a thief. What to hide, the guy is frankly unreleased in fierce sections and spells are clearly not trained. Yes, and with the famous Morpene, it will not be able to take place, and with Tanya-Commandos. Unlike those who are stupidly rushing, watering all from the machine gun and laying enemies into smooth stacks to the most heavens, the Warr has such specific and uninteresting lovers of arcade and shooting skills, as patience, intelligence, the ability to wait and apply a sharp blow. The reaction is not as important as a dexterity and accuracy, and the attack “wall on the wall” is no good for the thief to end may not be by definition.
What it all says? And to the fact that the game is intended for… uh-uh… Challenged fighters, referred to them, behind the hill, Hardcore Players. This is the case when everyone decides the first half an hour of studying the game, and those who will immediately like the game will be crazy about her. It will not like it away, not everyone, and not because of some bugs or flaws, but because of the complexity and unusual, because of the breakdown of already established frameworks and standards. I repeat: Sit down for “thief”, only if you consider yourself strong enough to become a master, and not for fast runs in levels. The game objectively is complex even at the level of Normal, not to mention Hard and Expert. Easy’s complexity, by the way, is absent – those who are playing only and always at this difficulty level, the “thief” will be unavailable. Lovers of light life will be very disappointed.
I do not want the introduction to be like a horror plate about the next impassable game, in fact Thief: The Dark Project is quite passing, but only those who will imbued the atmosphere of the game. Hide in the dark, a sharp blow to swing the goded guard – long time did not appear in the blood of so much adrenaline from the loud sound of the savings of the soldier, wandering two steps away from my humorous thief. The game fills the drawback action to cool realism, constant sensation of danger, dynamic battles. Enemies are stronger than you, but you are cunning them, and the victory will depend on how everyone implements its advantages.
About the sound you do not need to speak, as soon as you play a little, you will immediately understand what to praise or scold it is useless. It is not only great, but also extremely functional. Graphics in the “Thieves” strongly depends on the speed of the computer and very much – from the presence of an accelerator. Without some Woodoo, the game is better not to sit down, since software implemented graphics is very unpretentious. However, with an accelerator, paints are becoming more juicy, the movement is smaller, it looks very beautifully IT water (look again, and you will understand how beautiful) and the fire.
About realistic. She is in all. Take the same card. Map is drawn up to the mission! Before! During the task, no one will help you to draw you corridors and passages. You have a hand-made sketch with marks, partially false, partially true – information collected in taverns or received from the late gangster, will hardly be 100% accurate. There are also records on the type of map “Where I?”That is quite natural: because the maps are needed only for general orientation and they do not spend time on the detailed sketch of everything and all. In general, the idea with stage cards is implemented cool. By the way, your approximate position on the map is designated in blue, if anyone does not guess.
Realistic and behavior of the guards, and not only their. Artificial intelligence of all without exception creatures thought out the most clearly. Ai is, of course, not in the ability to shoot with the absorption or jump on the ears, passing away from your shells, as in most shooters, and in a particularly worked reaction to dozens of small events.
Of course, the “thief” deserves a high marks, which does not mean, of course, that it will become popular and get into the top ten Internet Top 100. The reasons are described above – well, the product is not intended for the mass consumer, too complicated for those who want everything “immediately and now. On the other hand, the first reviews already appeared in the Internet, in which the “Thief” received or nine of ten points, or even all five of five. I do not know whether their colleagues will support their first browsers…
And the last question – about the genre Thief: The Dark Project. I fell a little with colleagues on this topic and decided that the definition of a “thief simulator” sounds still coryavo, so it’s better to call a thing as RPG with FPS elements (first-person shooters). Still, you won’t call a completely role-playing game, a number of my acquaintances believe that for Rolevik, the values of the damage, lives, points of experience are required), and without them, and Baldur’s Gate should not be attributed to the RPG genre. And the shooting toy is clearly not, and the words “kill them, everyone” did not have in any task. The authors themselves arrived still cunning and call the “thief” First Person Sneaker, that is, a secretive movement from the first person. Quite a good definition, much better than the accurate Action / Adventure.
One more late addition. There are hundreds of medium toys per year, there are hundreds of three, beautiful a hundred and more beautiful, but here are stylish with a capital letter, God forbid, pulls the pieces ten and fifteen. And Thief: The Dark Project among the last…
Sound and hearing
A thief has an excellent hearing, which helps an excellent sound system game. Enemies are constantly talking between themselves;whistle and cough, give out their positions;Sounds of steps allow you to unexpectedly meet the enemy in a dark survey. Be sure to put the sound “Stereo” to clearly hear the direction, in addition to the remoteness of the sound source.
In general, like you, like any normal being, the overwhelming majority of enemies have the opportunity to only hear or see you, that is, with the help of hearing or vision. Therefore, the professionally is important both stealth and silent. After all, the strongest impact of the thief is in the back, but the opponents, as it came out, do not like his back, and you will have to get to her. Most opponents must be killed by a blow to the back, and not the “honest-noble” fight on the swords. And to sneak to the back of the guard, it is necessary that he not only did not notice you (usually does not notice, because on the back they have no eye), but also I did not hear the noise and rusties from the back.
Never forget that different types of surface are forced differently to sound your steps. Also very affects the speed of movement of the hero – the faster, the more noise. Another nuance: the crawling hero clearly produces less noise, and if it tries to move as smaller as possible and slower, then your chances are noticeably increasing. Chances of what? Of course, the chances are imperceptibly sneaked by the guards behind the back before he hears the sound of your steps. And if hear, it will not be left on the spot, and alarmed and starts looking for you carefully peering into the darkness. If the noise was small, then there is a chance that the guard commits something like “again rats run” or “visible, the wind blew” and returns to his post. If noise was abound, the same guard will run for his colleagues or grabbed the sword and, in the end, will find you and hurts.
As already mentioned, each surface has its own characteristic of “noise”. So, the most noisy floor is metallic, he will definitely give you to the next guard. Carpet covering your steps so much that you can travel almost silently and jump and jump. Stone floor – something average between metallic and carpeted floors. And the green surface of vegetation is a little more noisy than a stone… Paul affects not only on the noise of your feet, but also on the enemy legs. Slightly listening, you will understand that now the guard has passed the stone bridge and wandered on the iron staircase. Listen and you to your steps: what they are louder, naturally, it’s worse for you.
Especially for neutralizing certain noise on a small section of the floor and there are moss arrows. Their only destination is shooting wherever you want absolutely quietly to slip on a specific area of the surface. A good idea is shooting moss on the alleged path of the soldier, to slowly put on his back, and then, having joined the moss, sharply run forward to catch up the enemy in a few seconds.
Remember that the sound is not only your steps, but also the knock of the body who lost the consciousness of the soldier, the ringing of swords, landing from any height, rolling the abandoned plates and the like you and other people’s actions.
Sword ordinary. Cancel the sword only when you or pressed to the wall, or surrounded, or if you want to hit the back and do not worry about possible noise. The sword is also the only means of weapons capable of blocking the attack of the enemy, which allows you to sometimes attack the enemies of singles of the middle and low strength and a dextering fencing to pull out their victory.
Magic Sword – Constantine’s Sword. It differs from a simple sword a slightly stronger blow and characteristic darkness, which allows the Warr to be equally inconspicuous as with a sword in hand, and without it. Appears after the fifth mission and replaces the usual sword to the end of the game.
Dubinka. If you beat the enemy on the back, then only a bat. From any such impact the enemy loses consciousness that is equivalent to his death. The unconscious body can be dragged in the same way as the corpse. The baton beats faster than the sword, but weaker – use it, if you need to catch up with a fugitive, until he broke through his comrades.
Ordinary arrows. Terrible weapon if there is no suspect and relaxed guard. For an effective shooting at your attacks on you, opponents need a certain removal from the target;jump off and shoot or run off and, turning, shoot. Luke’s sight, as you notice, does not resemble a cross from “Kveika”, so you need to know a number of important aiming rules, because the inept archery is even worse than a nicuddy fencing. First, try to push the string until it stops to give the length of the maximum energy. Secondly, study the behavior of the arrows (it flies on the attached path) and the maximum range of shooting at all (seconds of twenty walk). In the training mission, shoot more in the target to “feel” the arrow. Thirdly, melt according to the rule “The farther living (or non-fat) target, the lower it should be in the square sight”. Another rule for more advanced “thieves” – if possible, we are in the most unprotected areas of the body, which have monsters except the back: in the head, and especially in the.
Water arrows. Direct damage soldiers do not apply, and what damage will be a person from ordinary water? However, the arrows are extremely useful in other, more “thin” spheres… From the first stage, water arrows will be useful in extinguishing torches. Immediately forms darkness in which the thief feels much calm and protected. Extinguish a couple of torches – the room will plunge into the darkness and nothing prevents you in almost the focus of the lieutenant to looking into your side. However, with the appearance at the second stage of undead in the face of zombies, the second meaning of water arrows is open – moistened in holy water, they are almost the only weapon that can kill what has long been dead. But that is not all! In your travels you will have to face magical fiery creatures, to extinguish which you can only hit them with a water boom. In addition, water arrows will hang out not only torches, but also a fire, and fire in the fireplace, inside which the jewels of the castle owners can lie.
Fire down arrows. There are rarely, but no less water arrows are useful. Unlike the latter, the torches and other combustible objects were smeared, which is very useful not in one mission. The fiery arrows apply a significant damage to the enemy, acting as improved, compared to conventional archers, the enemy killing means in remote battle. The third purpose of the fiery arrows – they can break the zombies into parts, that is, they act as consecrated water arrows and at the same time do not need any holy water. Warning – Fiery arrows have two significant features: First, they make a very loud sound when the explosion, and secondly, choosing fire arrows as weapons, you will become very noticeable for enemies, even if hiding in the shade.
Moss arrows. Rarely used newcomers in the world of “thief”, and in vain. In the hands of the masters, these arrows are a murderous weapon. Shoot them into the floor, and when hitting the land plot, they will spawned moss, which forms a rather large carpet, fully drowning steps to guard the killer guard.
Gas arrows. The most expensive and rare boom, and that says it all. Instantly deprives the innovation (that is, silently “kills”) any living creatures that have fallen into the cloud of gas that it produces when. With sufficient skill and good luck, one gas boom means neutralization of two or even three enemies. It rarely comes across, so if you miss, it is better to restore the preservation. Another comment – gas on Garrett-Vorah acts, but does not deprive his consciousness, but takes several precious lives.
Rope arrows. If you learn to use them, you will always apply them. If you do not give the rope boom, then you will definitely buy at least one… My tips will not help you, as it is better to show once a hundred times to tell, but I will give an approximate picture. There are two ways to use. The simplest lies in the shooting in a wooden beam on the ceiling (or in the Wooden ceiling itself) and clipping on the rope on that of this part, from where you can jump over the previously inaccessible height. Another way, more “advanced”: Sleep in the side (in the thickness of the board) of any wooden surface on which you can not jump, and climb on the very top of the rope. From the rope, take a jump on the surface, and you will find yourself on it. If you prevent you from the head that rested on the wooden surface from above, then turn over the other side and continue to climb up. It is necessary to shoot at an angle so that you get out at the edge of the board from above and climbed to her. After you climb somewhere, lean towards your arrows and take it. If you used an arrow to descend, then go around the rope and again take the arrow.
Noise arrows. For example, hitting the corner from you, this arrow will publish a specific sound, which will certainly hear the guards nearby. They will run at this angle to find out what is the matter, and you will be able to run into the passage previously protected by them or imperceptibly go to the back of the soldier. From the very beginning, examine their properties almost thoroughly, to more or less learn them correctly use. After all, if the shot comes unsuccessful and the sound source will be closer to you than you wanted, then you can find you, it means that you lose serious advantages. In anyone, even the most favorable case, opponents are alarmed and will be alert… As a rule, the used noise boom can be chosen to make noise again and again.
Supplement: Gas and fiery arrows fly not on the attached path, like all others, but in a straight line. Therefore, we ride the target at the top of the sight, and not at its bottom of it, like with other arrows when shooting on more or less remote opponents.