Thorgal: Odin’s Curse (Curse Of Atlantis: Thorgal’s Quest): Game Walkthrough and Guide

Go to the hut and talk to Oldreif, the old man will come to Norable and will say strange things. Look in the mirror, you will see how a fight kills from his own son. Norable will turn into a bird and fly away. Talk again with Oldreif, he will never want to lower the bridge, which connects the village with the forest, so that from there they did not attack the marauders. Get out of the hut and go on along the path, talk to a woman, she will tell you about her son. Stand in white Protalin next to the track and shoot from there on the target from the bow. Refer to the woman again, this time she will give you a knife.
Go to the marina and cut the rope rope at the bell. It will start swinging from the wind and call. Go to the hut, Oldreiv goes to tie the bell, and at this time you move away the shield on the wall at the entrance door and take the lever. It must be done quickly, because the headman will come back soon. If you did not have time, then try to turn the above-described trick with a bell more. Go to the bridge, insert the lever into the mechanism and lower the bridge, go to the forest.
Return to the right, take the bow. Before the bridge you will block the road Brian. True, he’s kind today and promised not to kill. When the battle is started, avoid its throwing axes and shoot three ropes that hold the beam and shield over it. Rascal presidate a fallen log. Come and inspect the body, take the statuette.
Go to the logs from the development and pick up the rope. Talk to Gelorn (on the basis of the left) and give him a bow found in the forest. He will tell about dragons and idol, with which you can go through the flame. Return to the fork and go on another way. Near the wall of the fire, press the triangular stone and insert the statuette to the left. Puzzle opens – you must collect the figure. You can move the pieces of puzzles not only horizontally, but also vertically, and the figure itself is more convenient for the arrows. Bonfire Idle, go to the dragon, it will be only illusion.
Look at the fortress on the crow, go to the wall. You need to climb the window in the tower, for this you need to get a hook. Return to Gelorn and tell him about the hook, he will suggest to check your archer skill. Stand up to the six, which next to the quiver with arrows, and Gelorn will spin the wheel. You must get four times on targets, then get the desired hook.
Go to the wall, bring the rope in the inventory to the hook, and then use it on the lattice in the Tower window. On the wall, pick up stones near the cart, go to the door, which is guarded by strong small. He will immediately begin to attack you. Your task is to make him jumped in a break in the wall. When you throw a stone in it, he will run on you to run. It remains only to stand next to a hole in the wall, throw a stone and jump away at the right moment. Pick up the dropped key and open the door.
If you go in one direction, then refer to the closed door, and the other will lead to an open room. In the camork with barrels and all sorts of other trash, take a forceps from the box, and from the barrel the key. Tear off the tongs on the previous screen. Go to the locked door in the laboratory and open it with the key.
You were trapped, you will have to get out, and for a while. Take the board, crucible, water bottle, green stone and glass flask. Combine the crucible and green stone to get green powder. Pour it in the punch on the table, add water from the bottle. Put an empty flask at the end of the coil, it will be filled with acid. Use acid on the lattice and leave the laboratory.
Come to the Rives and combine both boards, build a bridge from them and go to the other side. First you need to put the board on the stone in the center, then go to it, take the board and roll to another edge. Go to the left and click on the wall on the eye of the dragon, the door will open to the throne room, go there. Talk to Lord Hilargur, who will start to suffer. The next test begins. You need to quickly knock down four bags on chains next to the throne, and preferably before you lose all your health from the action of traps. Tagging as a result will be sophisticated and falls into…
Between the worlds.
Strange place, located out of time and space, and the pink stones are hanging around. Talk to the wizard, he will tell his story: “Once upon a time, a long time, the young man and the girl loved each other, but the lord of the gods alone praised the girlfriend. She, of course, rejected the sharpening of the height, for which she was killed, and one of her beloved in the punishment one awarded eternal life, so that he was always tormented by suffering, but not able to reunite with his love in the afterlife. All the time after the beloved, who turned out to be an old man, dedicated to find a way to die, and he found him – he could die from the hands of Torgan, the child of the stars in which the blood flows his ancestors “. Here is such a strange story… In general, Noraal will ask Torgan to kill him, but he refuses.
Go to the adjacent screen and talk to the keeper keys. You will understand that Ignorate easily may take pictures of trades and kill his son, you need to rush home to Midgard. To do this, you must go to the central door, but first collect and connect two parts of the key – what was, and what will happen. To start, go to the door on the left.
Talk to the boy (it yourself traded and there is), he remembers nothing, does not know the parents, but will ask you to bring him a disk and a box. Get out and stop at four doors, take the key and keep the key in one of them. You will come to a large room with several columns and some device in the center. Go to him, the robot will immediately appear and will start shooting. Do not break – Quickly collect all the pyramids located on the top of the tables, the robot will disappear. Now in the center Take the drive from the triangular panel, go back to the four doors. From them Top, shoot in the triangular lock at the door to activate the power on and off the power fields. Then gradually get to the door itself, it’s not as simple as it seems at first glance.
At the door, use the mined key, the fields will immediately turn off, enter inside. Take a triangular key from the panel and go to the locked door, near which there was a panel just with a triangular niche. Insert the key, and launches the puzzle where you must find a combination of five correct signs (light green light bulb). You have only five attempts to set after this combination is reset, you have to start looking for it again.
Light bulb is not lit – not the letter, the light bulb flashes – the correct letter, but not in its place, the light burns and does not blink – the letter is located in its place. In short, all the light bulbs should be green and not blink. Inside the remaining key, open the panel and take the box. Take the box and disk to the child. Connect them in inventory and give the boy. He will tell about the death of Atlantis and its inhabitants who flew on spacecraft to long-range stars. Thousands of years later, one ship returned, he was his parents, parents of Torgonal Egorsson. Then the fate of them separated, and the baby found Viking, who adopted him… Well, and then this Atlant-Aliens-Viking grew up, gave birth to two children and went on a campaign where his storm fell. Actually from this moment, if you have not yet forgotten, and the game begins. The boy will give you a boat and key. Talk to the keeper of keys in transmire, and go to the second gate.
Land of Shadows.
Talk to death, the figure in long robes, which will agree to give you the second key in exchange for a little request. Go on, at the intersection of three roads turn right, then left. In a dead end, select the crystal and return to the fork, now right. Talk to the Spirit that tells you about a mask of gold and silver and ask you to bring him two crystals. Further on the ledge lift Aluu Rose.
Return to the intersection and this time to the left, talk with the type with the wings, it has one part of the mask, but to get it you need to beat him. For training, click on the white stone, and in order to win the bottom masks – black. Only in this case, if you lose, the game will end. To win, you must arrange four white runes in the center of the table. About the rules Read more you learn if you click on the skull. Good luck!
Finally, you learned how to play and won the bottom mask, choosing a black stone. Go to the crossroads and take the chip of the crystal (for some reason earlier they did not give, although I lay there). Take both crystals in spirit, it will disappear, leaving behind the golden top of the mask. Raise it and connect both parts in the inventory.
Go to the place where you found the first crystal and use Aluu Rose on the butterfly. A girl will appear, this is the beloved Norala. She will tell that it is necessary to destroy the crystal, which he carries on the neck to die. And she will give you a moonstone. Death will come immediately, talk to her. She will give you the second part of the key and will send back to the intermittent.
Collute with keeper keys, then connect them in inventory and activate the third door. However, you will not get home, another test will have. The lady will appear and start shooting your loved ones. You must post a few targets in each of three suspended cells. Only then will the keeper will appear and create a bridge for which you can get to the door-outlet.
Come to the fisherman’s hut and talk to him. Unfortunately, he will not help you. Go to the pier and throw into the water your toy boat, after use the moonstone on it. The boat will grow big-prehend… and take the trades on his native island.
Torgala Island.
Finally, he – Home Sweat Home!.. Talk to the house with your wife Aricia and go to spend your children who should be on the shore. Talk to Lowvi’s daughter. Funny, until you were, she started a new friend to himself – a speaking bird. And Jollan sleeps something all sleeps, but sleeps and does not wake up, use dust from intermitty on it. Then he immediately wakes up and tell me that I saw the second Jolana. He, the second Jolhan Noral, will immediately appear and disappear. Right run to your home (watch ticks) and shoot your son out of the bow. It will turn into an old man Norala and will finally die, and the whole family of torkering happy will reunite. Here and fairy tale.