TOMB RAIDER: Anniversary: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Tomb Raider: Anniversary:
Peru – Mountain Caves
Run past the collapsed bridge, take a stone and jump on the wall to clinging for the gap. Next, move to the right on the wall to the end and jump over the stone column. From there jump to the left to the site, climb upstairs and jump onto the ledge, then make another jump up – you are on the site. Now you need to move to the bridge, for this you need to jump left from the edge of the site and throw the rope on the ring (Q – default).
Going out to the gates, run up along the left cliff, jump right using the rope. When you find yourself on the site, take up the speakers on the site located above the gates. There you need to click on the button to open the targets.
Defending the tunnel to the cave, go to the left of the stairs, jump over the break, and then jump onto the protrusion for which you need to move left. From there you can get to the upper tunnel. On it you get to a big cave. From the edge of the site jump forward and use the rope to cling to the ring located in the cave ceiling. Next, shake well and jump on the protrusion in the far wall. Jump from it to the top protrusion, and from there jump onto the column. Go down to the bottom protrusion, bring it on it to the right to the corner and jump from there back to the site in the rock. There you will find artifact. From the left edge of the site, descend down, kill a couple of bats and run to the doors located in the depths of the cave. You can open the door by pressing the lever located on the right.
By a short corridor you will go to the cave in which you will see the bridge. When you leave him, the bridge will collapse and Lara will fall down, where a couple of wolves will attack her. Having understood with them, run in the left corner of the cave. In a small niche, located there, you will find a small first aid kit. Next, silent on the ropes of the flooring, roll up, run to the right and pick up the top bridge site. Show 180 degrees and jump on the nearest support of the lower bridge – hooked. Jump from it above and jump over to the neighboring support, from where you can jump into a niche where the first is a first-aid kit.
Having passed on the top bridge to the next cave, jump onto the rope. From it you can jump into a niche located on the left. There you can pick up a big first aid kit. Next, jump down, enter into battle with the bear, and then run to the tunnel, located in the left far corner. On him you can get to the place where you will find another artifact.
Returning back, jump over the hall on the other side, taking advantage of the rope, and go to the corridor. Moving along it, you will have to cross the failure, jumping onto the pin sticking out of the wall. When you get to the gate, located at the end of the hall with self-tracks, get on the button in the floor, and then run to the left to the wall. Close up on the protrusions, then run to the wall and scroll on the top protrusion. Move on it to the right and jump on the counterweight. When it goes down, run at the end of the gallery, shooting along the wolf. There will be silent on the opposite side of the hall using pins fixed in the wall. You need to run along the gallery to the far wall. There will be a couple of wolves on your way. At the end point, pick up the protrusions in the right wall, and then jump on the pin, which will turn under the weight of the Lara, and it will be opposite the second counterweight. It will only be for jumped on it, and then go down and get up again on the button in the floor – the gate will open.
Peru – City of Vilcabamba
At the end of the stairs you will meet a bear with obviously hostile intentions – kill him and keep moving forward. Jump on the pillar and go down down, then turn off and go for the stone. There will find a small first aid kit. Next, go along the right wall to the first protrusion. From him through two others you can climb onto the second pillar, where can you easily jump out to the open gate.
Going to the village, fight with grizzly, and then dive into the pool. Break under water to the end of the tunnel and lower the lever located in the wall. Over the head of Lara will open hatch, and she will be able to get inside the hut. Next, open the front door with the lever, then click on the stairs and jump out of the window to the adjacent hut. Quickly run on the dilapidated packer and jump to niche. Inside it is a small first aid kit – take it and go down.
Move the corridor deeplobe cage. When you find yourself in the next room, leave the cage at the right wall and go to the end of the room. Wall will find cartridges for a shotgun, and in the left corner – the key. Next, take the cage, from it on the wall and go along the bridge to pick up a small first aid kit and cartridges. After that, drag the cage to the pillar standing between the huts. So you can get climbing on it and do the path of the top to the waterfall, where you will find artifact. Taking it, jump on the roof of the house to safely go down. Now it remains only to open the door found by the key.
Going to the cave where big gates are located, go to the passage to the right of the gate. Dive into the pool to get a small first aid kit from the bottom. Next, get out of the water and run to the right along the wall. From the edge of the site, jump on the wall to clinging for the gap, walking along the wall. Moving around the perimeter of the room, you can get out to the balcony and go into the corridor to climb the tunnel to the top level. Jumping over a small failure between the balconies, run up and jump on the idol – it will turn. Go down and go into the passage to the left. There is nothing in the pool, so you can start climbing up right away, not bathing.
Opening the gate, run through the tunnel – surprises will not. When you find yourself at the failure, go down on the inclined plate located along the opposite wall. Shutting a wolf, pick up the cartridges for a shotgun, and then drag the cage to the far angle to climb up and jump over the inclined plate. She gliding on it for the second time, jump on the pin and jump over to the central platform. From there, jump on the pillar – Lara will be able to resist his top, and you can take a jump forward and continue moving forward. At the next failure, jump on the long wall and go down. Run to the post, jump on the protrusion in the right wall and jump over the pin from which you need to move to the protrusion in the left wall. Having hung on the hands, move to the left, jump onto the top protrusion and the same, on your hands, move to the middle of the central site. From there jump on a post and further into the corridor, according to which you will go to the waterfall.
Peru – The Lost Valley
Shooting wolves, take a gear lying on the left wall, then dive into the pool and swim through the tunnel – you will find a small first aid kit. Returning back, go up by vertical stairs to the site. Apply the generated gear for the mechanism, and it will come in motion. Jump onto the pin located in a small wheel and, choosing the moment, jump over the big wheel and then – on the stairs. From the site where the second lever is located, go back to the ledge in the wall. Move to the right, jump up onto the second protrusion and jump over on wooden platform. From there Jump forward to the left to cling to the lease in the wall. Continue to the right to the right. On the edge of the speaker, jump down and cling to the windowsill;picking up on it, you can penetrate the room where you will find a big first aid kit. Next you need to repeat the path to the edge of the protrusion, but you will have to jump up the protrusion wherever jump over to the rope. From her jump on the star wall and move right to jump onto the wooden platform next to the stairs. When she falls, jump from the site to the rest of the crossbar and jump over the solid surface. Next, run along the wall to the waterfall. Drumming through the collapsed bridge, take the speakers on the tower. From there, shoot on the ropes to which the staircase is tied – she will fall.
Jumping from the crossbar, run along the corridor. From the edge of the site, jump forward and throw away the rope to cling to the ring in the ceiling and jump onto the bridge, located on. Go right to the corner and rise up the protrusions. From the uppermost jump right and go to the site, from where you go to the doorway. Passing through the bridge, pick up the second gear, kill a couple of bats, and then jump on the pin located in a rotating wheel. From there Jump on the ledge in the wall and go upstairs. Next, jumping to the right to cling to the edge of the entrance to the tunnel. Inside it will find the lever that opens the grille under water. Having lowered it, jump into the water, and let you carry it downstream. Send to land, install the second gear in place and press the lever. Now you need to return to the platform where you dropped the stairs for the first time.
Take the cliff under the rock. Inside the corridor you will be attached to the bear. Killing him, take a stone tower. Take the cartridges from the top platform for the machine, and then jump on the left post. Jump from it to the left on the wall to cling to the ledge – go up above. Next, jump around the columns in the passage leading in the mountain.
On the development of the corridor, go left. Once in front of the entrance to a small cave, jump forward to the inclined area and jump onto the wall. Further to the right to the site, where the cartridges are from a shotgun, and from there to the pin from which you can get on a solid surface.
Jump on the right wall, then on the left and go down to the site where the big first is. Having touched it and killing a couple of bats, descend on your hands from the edge of the site and jump into the protrusion located below. From him you can jump to the entrance to a small niche, where you will find another big first aid kit. Returning back, run to the right on the tunnel, and you will go to the destroyed village, where you will meet six small dinosaurs. When you shoot them, Raptor will appear. First you have to avoid collisions with frightened small dinosaurs, pressing the keys in accordance with the emerging arrows, and then the Lara will have to shoot a rapetor. To save health to the maximum, you need to stand on a stone that is located under the site on which a large amount is installed, and from there shifting the lizard. By killing the fossil animal, take the building next to the fallen lizard and go inside to pick up the third gear. Next dive into the water and swim through the tunnel in the next room. Take the post on the post, jump onto the site, and from there move on the protrusions to the left. Jumping on the pillar, you can move to the last pair of protrusions, where can join the windowsill.
Right to the right on the roof and on the stone sites to the vertical post. On it need to go upstairs and jump into a short tunnel. At the exit of it, jump on the protrusion in the wall, shift to the left behind the corner and jump over to the bridge. Next, move to the post, pick it up to the end and jump from the top inside the ruins.
Featuring a little first aid kit, run through the tunnel. On the fork, roll to the right to exit fresh air. At the bottom right to see the platform on which a small first aid kit lies – take it and go down to the ground. Run to the left to two small waterfalls. There you will find another small first aid kit, and if you don’t laugh and sneak into a niche located on the right cliff, you also get a big first-aid kit. Next with a square plate jump on a wooden platform to return inside the tunnel.
Go forward and take on the protrusions to the suspension bridge. Next, jump over the failure on the other side of the bridge and go to a long wall – you will find a large first aid kit. Return back to the bridge and go upstairs on the speakers in the left column. When you find yourself on top, jump over the inclined column to a small “patch”. Jump forward to the platform to go down and pick up the artifact. After that you have to repeat climbing. Jump now will need to be on the inclined column, on which water flows, and slide on it to the next column. From the second column jump on the pin and move to the long platform. From her you can pass inside the rock.
Running through the tunnel, jump down on the site – the place you already familiar. Now we will go back to a large waterfall. When you find yourself in location with two inclined paresses, descend from the edge of the site, hanging on your hands, and move to the protrusion, from there through the pin on the angular platform. Next, jump on the protrusions on the right wall, jump onto the sloping pad and jump on the protrusions of the opposite wall. Rising upstairs, run to the cave with pillars. Rear to the near post and jump from it to the inclined stone in the corner, and from there to the top of the log. Jump forward to the next cave. The road is now familiar to you – get to the site located above the second lever.
Jump on the rotating platform, from it to the lever, insert the last gear and pull the lever. After that, go to the place where the dam fell. There dive into the water and swim in the underwater tunnel you opened earlier. At the end of him you will find a gold idol. Taking it, go back down and go to the opened passage.