TOMB RAIDER: Legend: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 28, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

TOMB RAIDER: Legend: Passage
TOMB RAIDER: Legend: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage Tomb Raider: Legend

First Mission – Bolivia, Tivanaka – Shadows of the past

Artifacts: 10 bronze, 5 silver and 1 gold.

After the introductory video, you get to the mountain plateau in the Andes of Bolivia. Do not hurry to jump over the stream, since the first bronze artifact (in the future I will use the reduction of the “bronze” with the sequence number) is located on the left behind a large stone. Go to the artifact and press the “Use” key (default “E”).
Return to the beginning of the level and from the running, jump over the stream. Go further and look into crevice on the right to get “bronze 2”. Now run to the mountain lake on the left and jump into the water. Swamp the lake and choose.
Climb on the rock and come to the big boulder, blocking further path. Voon need to move off. To do this, move the Laru close to the stone and press the “Use” key. When Lara rests on his arms into a stone, then you can move it forward. The main thing – do not fall after him in the abyss.
After the path is open, run and jump over the abyss. Look at the rock and take two green lianas. Grasp for the closest and climb on it upstairs. When it is upstairs, jump over the adjacent Lian, and with it – on the rock on the right.

Now in front of you a waterfall and hanging from somewhere on top of a liana like a rope. Relieve and jump on Lian (the longer you hold the “jump” key, the farther flight). Do not rush to swing and jump forward to the waterfall, but neatly unfold left. Yeah, and here another cave!
Sharpen on Liana and jump. Grasp by the ledge and take into the cave. The cave is dark, so use a portable flashlight (default key “delete”). Go through the cave to the end and take “silver 1”.
Jump down to the cave for the waterfall and go through it until the end. When you again go on the Light of God, jump and grab the hands of the crevice, walking around the perimeter of the rock. To force Lara to move faster, along with keys responsible for the direction of movement, you will have to press the “Use” key.
At the end of the cleft, jump over the adjacent rock and select the plateau. Now you will begin to put pressure on the boulder, so immediately take the right and hide behind the ledge on the right.
After the boulder will be posted by, go to the outlook formed in his place. Rear to the stone on the right and jump from it to the tree trunk above your head. Hang on the trunk on your hands and go to the left left. Then unlock Lara on the trunk, as on a gymnastic trapezium, and jump forward to be able to grasp the branch sticking out of the rock. From the branch of Lara can jump on the rock to the left of the waterfall. Jump and grab your hands for crevice. Get to the waterfall and jump over the other side of the rock.
Upstairs you are waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the face of an armed pumped. Roll into the rock and stand up so that a red target appears around the thug. Now you can do with him that your soul – shoot or save the cartridges, strangling it with bare hands. Hading, thug leaves after a first-aid kit, which is better to choose.
Continue and take the “bronze 3”, which is on the stone to the left of the stream. Now go to the big stone block on the right and grab your hands for crevice. Enter the right and jump to grab your hands for crevice from above. Select on the boulder. Here you are waiting for another boulder, which can be shifted.
After the boulder falls down and fall into anything is not a mantle tree, jump off the boulder and go to the singer. Grab the tree branch and swinging, jump forward. Select on the rock and go straight.
Before you there will be a passage, closed round slab. Press the key that is responsible for using “cats” (default “Q”) to hook them behind the stove. Now press the “Use” key to move the slab from the spot. Go to the resulting disc.
Two gangsters wait for the outlook. Kill them and go to the wall on the left. Cock the crevice and quickly move to the left, as the stone under your hands will begin to crumble. At the end of the way, jump into the pin sticking out of the wall behind the pins. Jump on it on the rock. Relieve and grab about Lian. Share on it and jump into the waterfall. If you are lucky, you will immediately get into a niche with “Bronze 4”, if you are not lucky, then jump and pick up there yourself.
Go on the wall behind the waterfall and go to the abyss. Jump and grab your hands over the pin at the top. Jump from it to the same pin ahead, and then jump on the ground. Prepare guns, because there is already a hurry to meet the gangster.
Kill him and go on. To jump over the next failure, get rid and get a key that is responsible for using “cats”. Lara will hang on the cable, and you can, swinging, move to the opposite direction.
Go on the path and pay attention to the “bronze 5”, which is at the top left. Select “Cats” and run them in the artifact. When “cats” can join the artifact, pull it to yourself.
Here you are in place. After the bandits differ on the territory, go out to the wall and aim in the pile of stones (default key “Z”). When the scope is red, shoot. Stones fly down and distribute part of the gangsters. Then go down and shoot another couple. Do not rush to run on, because “bronze 6” is in a small cave right. “Bronze 7” is nearby near the stone gates to the right. Take it and climb on the path on the left.
Shoot a gangster and jump onto Lian. Jump over the other side of the stone boulder and aim in the pod of the stone blocks on the left. Shoot – and, if you were enough label, it will collapse on the gangsters. More nature is not able to help you, so take into the hands of pistols and a cross bridge to the foot of the ruins. Observe the gangsters and take the weapon left with them and first aid kits.
Do not rush to climb the stairs leading up, and take away the left to the left to the niche forced by stone blocks. Speak into blocks, and when dust will dispel, take the “silver 2”.
Now raise up the stairs and go in the ruins. Go forward. Before you trap in the floor. Svet and during the jump, use “cats” so that Lara can hang on the cable. Jump over the trap, but do not rush to run forward. First look into the narrow passage of the left where you are waiting for “Bronze 8”.
In the next room you will find the first mystery with moving chains. In fact, everything is simple. Grasp your chains and climb it up to the top. Jump over the adjacent chain, which will start moving down, so jump quickly to the next chain, and from it on the wall on the right. Close up.
Go down the chain into the following room. Go on to water and dive. Swim a little ahead and as soon as you see the light upstairs, pop up. Take the “bronze 9” from the grotto and go back to the water. Swim on the bright light and select on the surface.
Prepare guns and kill leopard. Ahead you will see huge boulders who can easily flatten you. Go to them and wait until they bombard. As soon as the boulders begin to touch the sides, quickly run between them.
At the wall you will see a cage with a skull inside. Take the cage and begin to push in front of you. Together with the cage in the hands, go to the corridor, where there is a bunch of four boulders. Pushing the cage in front of them, pass between the boulders (the cage will not suck you). Go further and go to the hall with a mystery.

Hall with three boxes and a closed door. Golden Artifact

First of all, kill the leopard located in the center of the hall. Now look around and notice that in the hall there are three presss for which you need to put three loads or drawers. The problem is only that one box is upstairs, but two others – below. Your task: Raise Lower Boxes upstairs.
Go down to the water and go to the springboard on the left. Pull the bin from under the springboard. Now tighten the box to the springboard and drag it to the end that is on the ground. Then take to the platform in the center of the hall and jump from it to the second end of the springboard. Lara will translate his end of the springboard, and the box will go to the flight. Repeat the trick with the second box and take to the platform with the presses.
Put the first box on the press on the right (if you face a closed door), and the second to the central press. Now a small trick – the third box tighten to the press to the left, but put it on the press not completely, but only partially. We do it so that the door in the opposite end of the hall has opened half. This is a prerequisite for the collection of gold artifact.
After the door opened halfway, look into the extreme niche to the left to get the “bronze 10”. Now run to the niche right and grab your hands for the moving chain. From the chain jump onto the wall and move on until you get to the platform with a dialing door.
Grab about the ledge on the left of the door and climb upstairs. Jump off right so that Lara is able to grab the ledge on the door. Jump up until you get to the niche above the door. In Niche is “Gold 1”.
Get down down, but do not rush to pass on the door. Instead, go to the right and do the wall to “Silver 3”.
Return to the door and enter. During an interactive insert, you must have time to click on those keys whose icons appear on the screen. At first it will be the “Down” key, then “up”.
After you find yourself safe, run to failure with blades. Standing at the top, kill the leopard and go down. In the wall on the right you will notice a big boulder that can be moved. Move it and enter the cave. At the end of the cave, take “Silver 4” and return back.
Go to the stone elevation and jump from it on the blade on the left. Then jump on the blade ahead, and from it on the wall. Win on crevice to the very end and when you find yourself next to the blade at the wall with a silver artifact, jump on it. From the blades you can jump into a niche and pick up “Silver 5”.
Then go back to the wall and climb to the top. Go straight along the corridor until you find yourself in front of the bridge leading to the round plateau.
After the video, immediately run forward on the bridge and twice tweak the resulting failures. When you find yourself on the plateau, then immediately open the fire and kill all the gangsters. Mission passed!

Second Mission – Peru, Return to Paraso – Motorcycle Band

Artifacts: 8 Bronze, 2 Silver and 1 Golden.

After starting the level, run to the house on the right and climb the extension to the roof. Raise your head and look at the lantern. Relieve, jump and use “cats” to cling to the lantern. Sharpen on the cable and jump into the courtyard at home. Take away from there “bronze 1”. In the courtyard you will find a box. Move it to the fence and climb through it back to the street.
Go to the left, under the arch with the clock and go to the square. Kill all the gangsters and do not forget that around full of different explosives, which can how to help you in the fight against enemies and cause your death.
After you figure it out with the last gangster – a man with a shotgun on the balcony of the building, carefully inspect the area for artifacts.
Take the “bronze 2” to the left of the flagpole. “Bronze 3” is located on the balcony. Relieve there, it is not difficult, and treat yourself.
Return to the flagpole and pick up to the very top. Jump on the balcony. Relieve, jump and use “Cats” to hook a cable. Shark and jump onto the balcony where there was a man with a shotgun before. Prepare a weapon and enter the building.
Kill the gangster and go to the closet of the wall. Open the cabinet and take “Silver 1”. Grab four pomegranates from the table and go to the roof. Before you will be the street scored by bandits. Kill them all!
As advice, do not jump ahead of time to the ground, but try to get the opponent from above. To jump over to the adjacent roof, get rid and use “cats” to hook the cable for the lantern on the right.
Closer to the end of the battle on the street, a jeep will come with a machine gun to kill a machine gunner, shoot into a transformer over his head and enjoy convulsions of your enemy. You can also use the above-handed machine gun to shoot enemies.
After the path is cleared, run into the courtyard on the left to get “bronze 4”. Then run up to the motorcycle. Eh, Pumping!

Motorcycles race

All that is required of you is to kill motorcyclists and do not crash into obstacles. Red boxes are aid kits, all the other items found on your way should be clogged.
When you get to the burning bridge, you first use the springboard on the left to jump over the failure. Still in the air take a little right, since it will be another hole right at the rate. Use the second springboard to move through the remnants of the bridge.
After the motorcyclists are defeated, three trucks will be blocked the way. Do not drive close to them, as boxes will be sprinkled from the body. In the third truck you will be waiting for two gangsters. Kill them and drive directly in the body. Ah, yes Lara, ah, yes smart!

Excavations – Lara Memories

When you find yourself inside the excavation, go straight and squat. Wake up the tunnel and throw the light checker. Run straight and fold to the left. There will be a failure in front. Jump and grab your hands for the pipe. Self for the opposite side. And here is Amanda. But what is it?!
Run back and fold into the passage to the left. The passage is scored with drawers, but you can easily move them. Wake up under the grille and go to the hall with the dead of Sarah.
Move the box to the center of the hall, where broken and whole peaks stick out of the walls. Close to the box and grab your hands for a whole peak. Split Laru, and let it jump on the platform directly. Take the “bronze 5”.
Now get rid, jump and grab the crevice on the left. Enter a little left and jump. Go forward and you will find yourself in the next hall, where someone named Kent in your help.
Talk to Kent and look at round boulder in the center of the hall. Roll back with the press to remove the peaks back into the wall. Close to the platform on the left. Relieve and grab about the rope. Share on the rope and jump forward to the platform.
Jump down and get ready to run.

Escape from Monster

Everything is quite simple as soon as the roller ends, telling about the death of Kent, the control will turn to you. Your task: how quickly you can jump over the stones and run to the left. There will be stones ahead. Jump over them and jump on the rope ahead. If everything is done right, then the monster will leave you alone.
Now look around. Rear to the platform with a round boulder and collide it down. Return Valun to the center of the hall and install on the press. Peak will appear from the wall.
Return to the platform and look at the death of archaeologists. Jump out on the peak. Slide the Laru and make you jump on the rope ahead. Share how you follow and jump on the platform. Take the right “bronze 6” and go out into the corridor.

Near the break with the peaks, jump and grab your hands for the pipe. Catch over the other side and go to the hall, where your journey began.

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