Wolfenstein: The New Order: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Chapter 1: Skull Fortress
Baltic Sea
Near the coast of Germany
The outcome of the Second World War is practically predetermined: Nazi Germany due to the technological jump confidently goes to victory. William “Bi Jay” Blassovitz, a special secretary of the secret operation of the secret operation, as part of the resistance squadron participates in the desperate attempt to assign the fascist fortress, in which the infamous general and a brilliant scientist in one face Wilhelm Strasse on the nicknamed Skull. His ideas brought Germany to a fundamental new round of development.
Parliament Fergus Reed asks to replace him behind the steering wheel, but it was not there. Another anti-aircraft package leads to a breakdown of the pipeline of the sixth engine. We go to the technical department and, turning the left, get the pliers and wire from the locker. Get to a small opening in the far right corner, you will withpose to the engine and overlap the pipeline. From loss of power, the plane began to decline. We go to the cargo compartment, go down and cut down the knife with white and yellow lines with cargo. Returning to the cockpit, we use turret in the bow of the aircraft and consistently destroy numerous fighters. Follow the state of the aircraft on the indicator in the lower central part of the screen.William “Bi Jay” Blassovitz.
Forehead in the forehead Faced with one of the fighters, lose consciousness for a while. Waking up, select a first-aid kit and, after watching the landing plane, drag for the top lever. The plane is bother, and it begins to decline rapidly. Pilot Private Vualo begins to panic, but the timely advice from Fergus saves the situation. Open the door of the cabin and follow the partner with a runway jump on the airplane wing. Talking with a soldier, go to the cockpit and put in the feeling of Wyat. Fortress right at the rate: make a forced landing in the waters of the shore.
On the shore, the mechanized Panteurounds are growing like predators. I miraculously be offered from one of those in the cockpit of the aircraft, answer the challenge of Fergus and discussed further actions. I break the box in the passage, we run out and, by pressing the squat button, slip under the debris. Left is a first-aid kit – we select it and restore health. We boldly dive into the water, swim on the other end of the cargo compartment and choose through the hole on the left side. The reserve of oxygen must be enough to get to the next aircraft. Do not delay long in one place and, in general, try to swim accelerated. Swim the plane, climb the stairs and sit down for the turret. Shooting two pantharshunds, leave the transport and get to the allies.
Having received a wagon and a gun-machine gun, without regard to rush right in the center. Next, we go down, we go to the machine-gun nest and replenish the stock grenade. Make a projectile in an automatic turret. Jump down through the formed hole next to it. We take with armor racks, cartridges and a first-aid kit. Having stuck in front of the door, put in the floor and pass the enemy’s foot through the slot. As soon as the door open, immediately finish the Nazis. Moving forward, killing enemies and competently using shelters. Do not forget to assemble the remaining ammunition, armor and first aid kits. The map is complemented as location studies, however, if you find a ready-made card, then we will be available to the whole area. Get to the very last machine-gun nest and from the box for a turret taking a map.
Going out, we turn left and moving along the trench. Campfuhund appeared on the path shot as soon as possible. If the dog turns into us, then quickly and often press the shot button to strike a knife. Get to the next machine-gun nest, squat and sneak to the officer. With the help of a knife commit silent murder. We select the fallen pistol, which can be equipped with a silencer and straighten with the enemies from the distance. For the performance of any similar actions (for example, the silent killing of five officers) is given to the corresponding Perk, which opens up additional features (the display of officers on the map). Come out on the other hand and kill another soldier.
Officers may include anxiety and cause imagine an unlimited number of times, which is why always refer to their priority goal. The presence of officers will notify the signal in the upper right corner. Judging by the map, you can get into the bunker in two ways – quiet (shot of shells in the room (or thumping a grenade to them) and misses the sewer through the resulting break) and noisy (undermining the gate by explosive, which is in the room on the left side). We use the second option – through the sewage system. Moving around the narrow passage, we take ammunition from the hatch cover on the right side. Penetrating into the bunker through a small grille, squeezed go to the left and leave the room. I hide behind the drawer and wait when the officer go down. A tank shot of a pistol with a silencer neutralizing him and a soldier on the left side. After the silent killing of an officer, trophies, letters and codes “Enigma” will be marked on the map of question marks. Reaching the gate, go to the room on the left and select a fragment of the “Enigma” code from the box. Returning to the stairs, look into a small room on the left and with the rack will take the card. We go through the rails on the rails and for drawers we detect an open ventilation hatch. Through it, we make my way into the morgue, where the trophy “Golden Medal” is selected from the table.Fergus Reed.
Climbing higher and higher, we clean the floors from enemies. The allies in the meantime almost climbed to the fortress. Get to the anti-aircraft gun and kill the arrow. If desired of the gun, you can destroy a huge Toptun on the right side. Returning inside, we go right and go to the first place. On the wall there are three levers – activate them in the following order: left – right – central. From the table of the secret room, we take a fragment of the “Enigma” code. Going to the left side, climb on one staircase, then on the second and, entering the room, select a letter from the bed Oscar. Through the second anti-aircraft gun, we are growing up with the shooter and shoot the barrier on the left side. Returning inside, go to the room right. The Trophy “Golden Cup” is hidden under the tarpaulo – squat to notice it. We leave out, we are afraid of opponents and get to the next control point. Opening the door, Pankener will be painted on us. Shoot it until ordinary Vaiat comes to the rescue. I have no rush to give your hand, first I will take the next code “Enigma” from the room, from where the mechanical beast came out.
Together with a couple of comrades, we climb on the wall, passing out the nazis looking out of the windows. Most allies will be left at the bottom and will cover us with fire. Penetrating into the fortress, go down the stairs and dragging the lever to open the gate. Cling to any of the chains and go down even lower. Crossed, alternately overtake two opponents and neutralize them. Also remove the PSA lying in front of the passage, and the officer in a small room, from where it is selected from the chest of a trophy “Golden Bowl”. Get to failure around the corner, which blocked by boards. Neutralizing the enemy, jump down and with drawers we select the “Enigma” code fragment. We choose through a small spill in the wall, immediately pass to the boxes on the contrary and we select a map with one of them. Rising to the next floor, we interact with the statue of the left of the portrait-picture of the skull. The statue at the right wall is taking a trophy “Golden Sword”. Through a counted move, we make my way into the office, we kill an officer and taking a fragment of the “Enigma” code from the table. We return back and climb the screw staircase. Last officer lunged in the dining table area.
We leave out through the open window and shoot enemies on our and lower floors. We move into the next building building, climb the stairs and kill PSA. Bypassing the barrier, we break the box and get a trophy “Golden Floplar Prize” from it. Selecting to the courtyard, we use turret for stripping the territory from the Nazis at the lower and upper levels. Having finished, we go to the right and get a fragment of the Code “Enigma” through a small rift in the wall. We pass inside the aircraft and meet with the allies. We up way to the beam received from Wyat the detail. Following others, we take a jump from the run. And without that chlipping floor finally collapsed under the weight of five strong guys, which are once again imprisoned.
Disfigured bodies of victims of experiments transfer here – in crematorium. Inspectively launching a four-phase burner system. Time in the edge, so act extremely fast. Over the opened door detects a flat surface with a locking borehole. In the drawer of the extreme right table, there is a fragment of the “Enigma” code, in the box of extreme left countertops – the key. In the others you can find a first-aid kit and armor. Unlocking the passage, quickly select Blondie and take it out of the crematorium. There were no surprises on this: the supersoldat is escaping from the floor capsule and literally crushes the head of the blonde suberglass. Holding at a distance, destroy the tubes on the enemy’s shoulders, and then continue to shoot along the respirator on his face to the victorious end. Near Blondie lies a bag with endless ammunition – we use it if necessary. A skull appears in the crematorium and presses us in four walls.
The long-awaited meeting with the main enemy took place at all as planned: the skull puts us before a difficult choice – to use Wyate or Fergus for their research. Depending on the decision taken, we will, accordingly, will appear “closure” or “hacking”, which make it possible to penetrate into unique and inaccessible to other spaces with ammunition, weapons and other utilities. In addition to the locations along with trophies and fragments of Enigma codes, health or armor codes will be hidden, increasing the maximum values of the corresponding indicator by 10 units.Wilhelm “Skull” Strasse.
Before leaving the skull activated the burner system and left one of the supersoldat for supervision. Fergus (or Vaiet) distracts the mansold, and throws us a piece of pipes – we select it and neutralize the enemy. Jump onto the tables and damage the nozzles located above them, of which the fire. Then come to a friend near the window and with it are free from handcuffs. We are hacking a metal box to the left of the window or its castle the skill “closure” or “hacking”. Mini-games do not differ in essence. In the first case, we clic down two bare wiring and hold them in this position until all three light bulbs light up, in the second – rotating the right tool, connect the green arrow with a number of holes and hold for a few seconds. Jumping out of the window, shrapnel fragments linked to our head. After some time, good people find us alive on the waters and deliver to the hospital, where the doctor after X-ray study of the skull will detect the very piece of metal in the brain. Being in a state of deep coma, with a disappointing forecast, we are transferred to a mental hospital.
Chapter 2: Medical Health
Polish mental hospital was headed by a small family, consisting of Father Kshyshtof Olive – Psychiatrist, Mothers – Pharmacist and the beautiful daughter Ani – senior nurse, which with a special trembling cared for us. Anxiety was caused only occasionally concealed Nazis, headed by the Shturmbanfürer Keller, who each time taken with them several patients for experiments Reich.
One day, all the events collapsed: the Nazis came to close the institution, killing all patients. Turn your head left and watch the unceremonious actions of guests. Soldier kills Ani’s father and nurse. Anya herself is separated only by a blow on his head, after which it will be taught to Keller. Then the enemy will be patients. We select a knife and, waiting for your turn, quickly apply a blow. Having got a gun, joking the muffler and leave the ward.
We pick up the knife and silently kill the enemy. On the wall on the left hanging the map – take it. At once, two officers are moving along the corridors. Track them on the map and neutralize. Crashing with the others, we go to the “B” stairs, climb upstairs and select a fragment of the Enigma code. Also on the second floor in the corner room there is a locker with a lock – we wake it up and take the improvement of armor (Wyate line). We go down to the first floor, we clean it and go to the stairs “A”. Multiple steps are damaged in the lower half. Singing, you can see a small door through a rift – we shoot her castle. We pass under the stairs and take the letter of Isabella. In the control room there is a wall safe – we wake it up and get health improvement (Fergus line). Click on the button on the table, thereby opening the doors, and destroy the enemies that appeared. We leave out and come across a large number of Nazis. Cells will occur periodically, which are especially dangerous in the near distance. Near the truck on the right side is a bag with endless ammunition for a pistol. Under the front of the convertible lies a trophy “Golden decoration on the hood”. Carry Any in the car and leave the territory of the hospital. On the road, Anya will find and takes us into the house of their grandfathers of Roman and grandmothers of deer Targon living near the German border.