Zoo Empire: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 2, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Zoo Empire: Passage
Zoo Empire: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Be a manager – cool. Just imagine: manage some large enterprise, build all your workers on Lineshek and give them a hat for the slightest provinces. True, the manager is usually not the most important bump and when at the very top will consider that incomes are not enough, it will be possible to urgently start learning the management of beggars on the garbage. So this work is, although interesting, but scary nervous. And better to do it not in life, but in the process of the game on the computer.
    So, once the only managers were football. In the same basket, it was possible to put “SIM City”, but they didn’t give us a particularly given, and the city was in itself, and its inhabitants themselves. However, the terrible word “Tycoon” sounded – and everything is spinning. Management of railways, restaurants, teams of hooligans and troops of gladiators. And if we really trust to manage attractions, then why not to manage the zoo? No sooner said than done. However, the hero of today’s story was not the first. Gone in 2001 “Zoo Tycoon” has already managed to draw numerous continues and the second part comes soon. But it’s not about him! And believe me, the graphics of 2001 will not be able to compare with the year 2004. Therefore, we celebrate our today’s lead manager – “Zoo Empire”!

    Learning to manage
Not that the control was very difficult, but, as in every manager, in the game is full of all sorts of data, and some of the control features lead to the easily delight. That’s what we will tell about them.
    Begins to play with the simplest statistics. Namely: on the upper edge of the screen there are indicators of visitors (how many are currently in the zoo), the number of animals, the amount of money in the account, the satisfaction of visitors, animals and the zoo rating. Ends up with a group of keys responsible for photos and videos (which can only be useful in the school mission) and a mini micard with a bunch of filters and a magnification / decrease in the card.
    More interesting buttons – in the bottom corner. The first is responsible for the opening and closing of the zoo, and the next one is in our information center, where you can find out everything about the zoo. The first information center button – management. In this section, you can open or close the zoo, assign prices for entrance tickets, train subordinates, pay for advertising (on television, radio, newspapers), engage in individual animals, and take and give loans. Next button – statistics collected by zoologist. He will report to you and about “star animals”, and about who in the zoo is stronger, faster or more popular, and will also reveal the reasons for discontent of individual guests of the zoo or its constant inhabitants. That is, you do not need to chase every animal, trying to identify whether everything is pretty – you can only look at the patch of general statistics. Follows the report button (Reports). Clicking on it, you can learn about the rating of the zoo (and what of them should be tightened), about sales growth (right up to the last hamburger), about income in the form of numbers and graphs, and finally about visitors’ complaints. Last you need to watch constantly, as the complaints of visitors – the best tip, how to further develop the zoo. Low below, there is a task button, suitable only in the campaign, where it can be founded, what is required to successfully complete the mission. Closes a list of a study button that allows us to assign scientists to study new types of donuts or fences.
    Following the information center there is a career button, which in the campaign mode will help you remember how many awards of various advantages were received by you during the campaign. Next, there is a block of three buttons issued, respectively, lists of your subordinates, animals and visitors. Want to know who is concerned and how much do you have – press these buttons. All these lists have the opportunity to choose a fabricated worker, visitor or beast. On the right side of the scoreboard displaying the selected character, there are buttons that allow you to follow it from a first or third person, or to obtain any information about it. In the left part of the list there is a single button that switches us between 3 information windows, and it just gives the greatest information. So, when switching the button, you can learn about the knowledge of the employee, his wage (and immediately change it), and also assign him a task if he can perform several different works. For example, to force a stupid minister, patiently folded the scoop under the tail of the Puma, after all, feed the poor animal, which will never be able to perform the expected, as is about to die from hunger. For animals, you can see not only a general description and requirements for the habitat, but also the characteristics of a specific animal. Visitors… Oh, visitors allow you to see the entire list of thanks and complaints. Why at the very beginning of the game, watching complainers, you can fix the situation with the exact and specific application of effort. Carefully read in these complaints and gratitude, and the guests of the zoo will always walk with a cloud above the head, which depicts a smiling blue muzzle. What does one mean – satisfied until.
    Strictly in the center there is a panel of events, by clicking on which the list of the last 50 events is displayed. And under it there is a panel of the speed of the game and pause.
    Next, there is a block of 5 keys: soil editor, staff staff, buying animals and buildwater and building buildings. Most of these keys are available for understanding, but I still explain the use of the soil editor. The fact is that by choosing the soil when changing the soil type in the aviary (through the animal panel), you fall into the landscape change panel. And on the process of changing the soil type it is necessary to switch manually. Otherwise, instead of a small sandy beach you will get a sand slide. However, there is a cancel key, which will allow you to cancel what has happened randomly. The digging of the reservoirs occurs when the SHIFT key is swap when the soil height change is enabled.

The animals in the game are not so little – 34 main and as many as extremely rare, who carefully promise to fulfill prize assignments to missions, but they do not want to give any kind. Nevertheless, this amount is quite enough to get confused who is who and that this very beasts need. In the free game of rare animals to see completely unreal, even if you put the opening slider of beasts by 100%. Only after passing the campaign (it is a career), consisting of 20 missions. Moreover, in order to get a particularly rare animal in a free game, it is necessary that in the process of passing the campaign, with difficulty embossed rare animals, at least one cub. I will say right away – the task is not easy.
    Another tricky moment of the game – the possibility of joint animal habitats. So, elephants can get along with each other, but because of the extremely specific requirements of each species, these very elephants are unlikely to be satisfied with the neighborhood. And, nevertheless, in the campaign there will be assignments in which some degree of satisfaction in animals forcibly settleted in one pound. What can I do? The first option is to settle the tummy in different pens and, having achieved the highest degree of satisfaction, return the animals back into prizes. The second option is to sell old animals (dissatisfied) and buy new, who have not yet had time to disappear from such strange conditions of existence. Although the viewers are looking at such symbiosis with constant pleasure.
    Each beast is characterized by some set of characteristics, which are described in Table (which lies further by text). And now about what each characteristics mean. If the characteristics have a scatter, then the beast can have any characteristics within this scatter. That is, it is not at all necessary that some of your elephants will have more 80. But there is such a chance, and once non-killed by an exclusive movement of a trunk moves a fence, forcing the ministers of the zoo to catch a fugitive.
    So, the first indicator is Rarity (Rarity) (We will not mention such a common thing as the price). The less often the animal, the more wishing to look at him. And if no one can approach the cell with a camel (and not because it spits), the long-line queues will be built to the cage with the Galapagos Turtle. Strength (Strength) An animal determines only what the grille to put it. Egg (Fierceness) – Especially evil animals are constantly breaking among themselves, rushed to the lattice and toys, and escaping free, such evils attack visitors. Activity (Activeness) – Life force indicator of animals. The most active are constantly lunged on the cage and are looking for a lesson that can not not entertain visitors. Playfulness – the need for animals to play with toys or each other. All cats in this sense are out of competition, and visitors love it. On the other hand, visitors love and a panda that can sleep all day in bamboo thickets. And at the same time the panda feels great. TRAINING POTENTIAL – affects the quality and speed of the animal training, allowing the smartest to perform in animal theaters. Life expectancy (Live EXPECTANCY) for all animals is different (for – long, cf – average, ko – short). But one can say one thing – do not teach short-lived animals. Territory – relief of the terrain, which is necessary for animals so that they feel well (R – Plain, G – Mountains). Water – The percentage of territory that should be covered with water. Of course, absolute accuracy is not obligatory here, and you can make a lake as more and smaller. But the smallest. Do not forget to smooth out the shores of your reservoir, otherwise, once picking up drinking, Koala is so forever and will remain in his puddle and dare with hunger. Tolerance (Privacy Needs) – The attitude of the animal to the crowds of the cells from the cells of visitors (D – everything, in – limited, n – bad tolerance). Some do not at all rejoice that the queue to their cage resembles a queue of seeking to get into the mausoleum. That negatively affects the state of animals. Of course, such cells should be positioned so that the approach to them is limited. Area – the size of the territory necessary for the animal (Bo – Large, Wed – average, Maalaya). And if the living space is limited to a palm tree and a blue with water under it, then for the elephant you need a lot of space to disperse. Finally, the amount determines the size of the animal group in the aviary (st package, gr – group). So, for flocks you need at least 4 member, and everything will be only glad to a new animal. At the same time, the group already has the second cub may be superfluous.

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