After The Final Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Opens A New Mode With A True Ending

Home » Game News » After The Final Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Opens A New Mode With A True Ending
September 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

When you finish the main storyline Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Do not rush to part with the game: Monolith Productions Prepared another important and, possibly interesting entertainment that opens after the final.

According to Eurogamer, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War There is a so-called “endgam” – Shadow Wars mode. This is a kind of mini-campaign that starts after the main story of the game is completed, and in the hands of the player all the fortresses of the Mordor are.

In Shadow Wars, the Sauron Army is going with the forces and goes to a counterattack. It turns out such a game of a collar-across: before you attacked the fortresses, and now you have to defend them. Shadow Wars is divided at the stage – every next enemy troops become more dangerous and begin to capture more regions.

If you have passed the fortress, you will have to capture it again to the Shadow Wars campaign to advance. In addition, a mission to rescue an orc-minion can be launched, which you left for the main. And you probably will not want to lose assistant: you never know, suddenly it will be an epic Orc, which fell out of the purchased chest!

Award for the passage of Shadow Wars will be a true ending. Eurogamer assumes that it will directly connect events Middle-Earth: Shadow of War With the original trilogy “Lord of the Rings”.

Below – Gameplay Shadow Wars.

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