Updise Wastelanders for Fallout 76 will allow you to fill your camp allies

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July 20, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Updise Wastelanders for Fallout 76 will allow you to fill your camp allies
Large update Wastelanders for Fallout 76 must breathe life in silent game world by adding NPC and dialogs. And talk to whom – for example, with allies that can be found in C.BUT.M.P. and daily receive questions from them.

To such a character came to your camp, you need to persuade him or help him. It will be not so easy to do, because each ally is a unique character. Some of them can be found only after performing special quests.

One of the NPC is Beckett, a man with a dark past who wants to start a new life. His task will launch the storyline, who knows the character history. Upon completion of such quests, allies will begin to offer you daily orders for which experience and items are relying.

When an ally wants to join you, a unique object C will open.BUT.M.P. As soon as you build it, a new buddy will appear in your settlement. The same Beckett requires the construction of a bar in which he will work bartender. Allies can also help you during the defense of the camp.

Wastelanders will appear on April 7. In the same day Fallout 76 Get to Steam.Updise Wastelanders for Fallout 76 will allow you to fill your camp allies

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