Assassin’S Creed: Brotherhood Will Look Better On Ps3

Home » Game News » Assassin’S Creed: Brotherhood Will Look Better On Ps3
October 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Many many developers complain about doing games for PlayStation 3 more difficult than for the same Xbox 360. This affects the complexity of its hardware architecture. Gabe Newell (Gabe Newell) especially loves to be reported on this. Here are the creators of the second Assassin’s Creed Self admitted that their multiplatform project in the version for PS3 was worse than the rest. All errors, according to them, are taken into account and corrected in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, which, as you know, gets out this fall. For details, please contact our text preview.

“After completing work on Assassin’s Creed 2 We realized one unpleasant thing. Our team did not give enough time and attention of the PS3 version of the project. All of you could make sure of it: the frame rate “jumped”, the picture quality was noticeably worse than on PC or Xbox 360. But now all these shortcomings are dismantled and taken into account. We allocated with all responsibility to the stage of creating actions from the very beginning. And believe us for the word, this time the PS3 version Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Will not look worse than your “sister” with xbox 360. Say more – sometimes the frequency of frames in the PS3 version can rise higher than on the competing console, “- pleased the owners of the PlayStation 3 designer levels of Philip Bergeron (Phillipe Bergeron).

On November 16, we will have the opportunity to compare the quality of the picture on the consoles. Then let’s see what success achieved Ubisoft Montreal In mastering console Sony.

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