Battlestar Galactica can return to the game format again

Home » Game News » Battlestar Galactica can return to the game format again
June 8, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Battlestar Galactica can return to the game format again
In March, as you know, the last season of the TV series “Star Cruiser Galaxy” (Battlestar Galactica), which turned out to be launched on the ether of four years. And while the interest in the series at the audience did not live anywhere, it’s time to make a game under license.

Rumors about transfer Battlestar Galactica The game format goes over the network for several months. It seems nothing significant if not a composer’s statement Biera McCriri (Bear McCreary), who wrote music for the series. McCriri wrote the other day in his blog that he had recently finished work on a soundtrack for “dear and completely secret video game”. Of course, you will now want to say that the composer could have due to a completely different project, in no way connected with the television series. But at the same time it is impossible to lose sight of the fact that the Bier himself mentioned in the notes of the famous “Star Cruiser”. He stressed that his new music will certainly have to do with the players who like melodies from TV series Battlestar Galactica.

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