Bethesda Explained How The Reputation System Will Work In Fallout 76

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October 6, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Last week Bethesda told about two new factions that will arrive in Fallout 76 Together with the update Wastelanders. The developers then mentioned the reputation system from which the NPC attitude to you will depend on, and the expulsion explanation was given in the latest release of “Westa from asylum”.

As the studio writes, with the first meeting either settlers, no raiders will be favorable to you. To earn the trust of these factions, you will have to help them with information, destroy their opponents and perform other tasks, including plot. Also reputation relies for the execution of daily orders and choosing some answers in dialogues.

Reputation is divided into seven levels – from hostile or wary to neutral, friendly, allied and so on. You will report special notifications about the number of earned spectacles.

Bethesda Explained How The Reputation System Will Work In Fallout 76Bethesda Explained How The Reputation System Will Work In Fallout 76Bethesda Explained How The Reputation System Will Work In Fallout 76

Relations with fractions are specified in the social menu. At the top of this menu, next to the name of your account, there are icons of fractions with your current level of reputation. Climbing the icon, you will call the reputation window, which shows information about the level of current relationships with a specific faction and progress on the way to the next level.

The higher your reputation, the more friendly to you includes NPCs and the more goods offer merchants. The latter sell drawings of objects in the style of their faction that are opened at certain levels of relationships.

Finally, next Tuesday, February 4, Bethesda Represents a new trailer Wastelanders.

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