Blizzard Seized The Rights To Diablo4 Domain.Com

Home » Game News » Blizzard Seized The Rights To Diablo4 Domain.Com
September 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

At this stage should be obvious that Blizzard Prepare a full-fledged continuation Diablo: We have very detailed rumors about the development process, and the company has publicly confirmed – Diablo Immortal will not be the only part of the series in the foreseeable future.

Still, one of the users Reddit decided to check who owns domain Diablo4.Com. From his investigation it turns out that the name of the site was put up for sale in 2002, however Blizzard issued the rights to the domain only in January 2019.

As the inhabitant of Reddit assumes, it means that the game is going to call Diablo 4 (so or Diablo IV). In addition, Diablo3, where the fan site was once located Diablo, Moved to the hands Blizzard about a month before the official announcement Diablo III.

According to this logic it turns out that the premiere Diablo 4 must take place very soon. But not exactly on Gamescom 2019: Blizzard already announced that he would miss the game exhibition this year. Then there is only one option – BLIZZCON 2019 in early November.

W Diablo 4 There is another potential domain – Playdiablo4.Com. But he Blizzard Not yet obeying: When you open a website, you are automatically sent to Google with the Phone request (because Do You Guys Not Have Phones?). And when Diablo Immortal Only announced, Playdiablo4.COM generally crossed visitors to the site Path of Exile. but Blizzard threatened with finger lawyers and asked the domain owner so do not joke.

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