Blizzard Talks About How A New Storyline Will Be Held In Overwatch

Home » Game News » Blizzard Talks About How A New Storyline Will Be Held In Overwatch
September 20, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Blizzard Entertainment announced that on April 10 in Overwatch Return the event “rebellion”. True, it will change somewhat. How exactly, the company told in a new video.

To frequenter such appeals Jeff Kaplan (Jeff Kaplan) joined the lead engineer Tim Ford (Tim Ford). They confirmed that from April 10, the inhabitants Overwatch will be able to go through the uprising of the daisy on Kings Row and see how the first task tracer passed. In addition to the standard storyline, where the tracer, Reinehardt, Torbjorn and Angel are available, will again appear with all the characters of your choice.

However, the event itself is now not called “rebellion”, but “archives”. The idea of “archives” is quite obvious: in them Blizzard recreate various events from the Universe Overwatch. Apparently, the story of 2018 is called retribution (“Retribution”).

Other details will be announced over the next week. As says Caplan, During the broadcast Overwatch League on the night from Wednesday for Thursday Moscow time Blizzard present some “very cool video”. Perhaps the next short?

Of course, within the framework of the “archives” you can also be able to deal with a mold from last year’s “rebellion” and new clothes. According to Kaplan, Fresh appearance will get “Your favorite brother Shimada” (9.e. Genji or Handzo). Which of the Shimada in Favor has a community, Caplan Offers guess al1.

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