Cd Projekt Red Believes That Drm Does Not Work

Home » Game News » Cd Projekt Red Believes That Drm Does Not Work
September 19, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Polish company CD Projekt Made a name for the success of the series The Witcher, as well as sharp criticism to DRM-protection. Recently, General Director of the Studio CD Projekt Red Marchin Ivinski (Marcin Iwinsk9) drove on it once again. In a conversation with Giantbomb, he suggested that, despite the small efficiency of DRM, many developers still use it in their games to “cover their own ass”.

“I think in the industry everyone knows that DRM does not work, but companies continue to apply it as a smoke curtain, effectively covering their ass. They simply pretend to bosses, investors and shareholders that they are trying to protect their intellectual property, “said Ivinski. – I communicated with many high-level managers who do not hide that DRM is just a dudge, but if they won’t use it, then surely narrowed on various reproaches from the higher leadership “.

Of course, computer version The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt calmly cost without DRM, otherwise there would be a pen Ivinski. And this does not mean that its absence will affect the sales of the game negatively. Marchin is confident that for Pirates DRM is not a serious obstacle: games are often selected on the day of release or even earlier. But to honest users, this protection measures great spoils life and undermines their faith in developers.

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