What does Ridley Scott do on the set Halo: Nightfall

Home » Game News » What does Ridley Scott do on the set Halo: Nightfall
July 12, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

What does Ridley Scott do on the set Halo: Nightfall
In assets Microsoft There are at least two projects through the universe Halo, In the creation of which large bumps from Hollywood are involved. Speech about the mysterious teleppet Stephen Spielberg (Steven Spielberg) and the upcoming TV series Halo: Nightfall, which will guide the history of the Loca agent and must serve as a pleasant imguon Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

To create the latter attracted Ridley Scott (Ridley Scott) – director of “Alien”, “Flash Running” and “Prometheus”. It is known that the position of the executive producer is fixed behind him, but it is not entirely clear what exactly enters his duties. Franchise Development Director Frank O’Connor (Frank O’connor) decided to shed light at this moment in his recent EuroGamer interview.

In fact, Scott Doing what is usually dealing with all executive producers. He monitors the progress of writing a scenario and, if necessary, makes adjustments to history, participates in the selection of scenery and provides full assistance in the selection of actors. Well, of course, gives his instructions Sergio Mimica-Gazan (Sergio Mimica-Gezzan), which was put in the directorial chair Halo: Nightfall.

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