Disco Elysium Will Be Released On Consoles In 2020, Translation Into Russian In Production

Home » Game News » Disco Elysium Will Be Released On Consoles In 2020, Translation Into Russian In Production
September 30, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Disco Elysium – “Sleeping Hit” of the 2019, which came as if from nowhere and suddenly received the highest marks of the audience and critics. The main troubles at the role-playing game is still two: only one platform and lack of localizations. Developers are already solving both problems.

The Escapist website took an interview with the lead designer Disco Elysium Robert Kurizitsa Robert Kurvitz). According to him, the goal of the team is to convey their game to the maximum audience as much as possible. Therefore, in the 2020th RPG should go to PlayStation and Xbox.

Developers do not want to trust the port by third-party studios and are going to make it on their own. According to authors, Disco Elysium It will be good to feel at consoles, because it does not require accurate mouse control, and there is no pressure in real time – you can think how much.

Besides, Kurie confirmed that for Disco Elysium Prepare translation into several languages. During the release in the Steam community, the developers wrote that they want to introduce localization into Russian, Chinese, Polish, French and German. Release Disco Elysium It took place only in English, because in the game there is extremely many text – for transfers you will need a lot of time and effort.

What kind of curious, Kurie also works on the translation of the novel Sacred and Terrible Air. The book tells about the same universe as Disco Elysium, But it came out much earlier and so far only available on Estonian – native language authors of the game.

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