E3 2018 Official Schedule Confirms: Cd Projekt Red Will Present A Certain Role Game

Home » Game News » E3 2018 Official Schedule Confirms: Cd Projekt Red Will Present A Certain Role Game
September 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sades the nearest “Hyptreyne”: the information about the fact that CD Projekt Red Finally will arrange a full demonstration Cyberpunk 2077. Perhaps it’s really time – almost six years have passed since the first formal information!

As the DSOGAMING site writes, in the official schedule E3 2018 there was a mark about CD Projekt Red. According to this data, the Polish company will bring some role-playing project for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1. Name Cyberpunk 2077 not mentioned, but the game clearly fits into the voiced parameters. Yes, and rumors that “Cyberpunk” will come up with E3 2018, already walked.

However, it is nominally to wait for surprises: you never know what is meant by nameless role-playing game. Suddenly some spin-off “Gwint”!

Formally E3 2018 will be held from 12 to 14 June, however, large game announcements usually occur in a day or two to the exhibition itself, when with their presentations act Sony, Microsoft, Electronic Arts And other publishers. Accordingly, waiting for news from CD Projekt Red Should follow June 10-11. And then a few days before, if the Poles want to sategorize gamers in advance. As-nothing, one intriguing “BIP” we recently heard!

Recall that the head CD Projekt Call Cyberpunk 2077 New The Witcher 3, Only more ambitious. In addition, an additional studio has been connected to the production of the game.

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