Esrb Promises In Call Of Duty: Wwii A Lot Of Blood And Realistic Violence

Home » Game News » Esrb Promises In Call Of Duty: Wwii A Lot Of Blood And Realistic Violence
October 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Before the premiere of a military shooter Call of Duty: WWII from Sledgehammer Games And Activision, scheduled for November 3, remained a month, so the Entertainment Software Rating Board rating commission has already managed to appreciate the game and decide, for gamers of what age it is suitable.

Fans of blood, realistic violence and obscene vocabulary can be calm – in the militant Sledgehammer Games There is everything. Therefore, according to ESRB, the game should be allowed exclusively to those older than seventeen years.

Apparently, creators Call of Duty: WWII preferred not to soften the tone of the game dedicated to one of the most bloody conflicts in the history of mankind. So, according to the description from ESRB, in the course of the gameplay, you can easily see how the weapon “cuts off his head or other parts of the human body, leaving blood splashes on Earth”. And the battles of “stormy” are accompanied by “realistic shootings, cries of pain and large explosions”.

Examples of violence are found in Katszenas: the captive “shot to the head from close range”, then enemy soldiers prefer to “shoot, not to get in captivity”.

Meanwhile co-founders Sledgehammer Games Michael Condrey (Michael Condrey) and Glen Scofield (Glen Schofield) are convinced that Call of Duty: WWII – “The most significant” game of all what they did. And all because it is important for a younger generation, which now, maybe already and does not know or does not particularly realize what the Second World War and how terrible it was.

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