Exorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demons

Home » Game News » Exorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demons
June 16, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Exorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demons
KEEP TALKING AND NOBODY EXPLODES – a game for two, where one reads the instructions for neutralizing the bomb, and the second instructions perform. However, the concept lies not only on sapling gameplay: on Gamescom 2019 Midnight Games presented trailer Exorcise The Demons – There you will cast out demons.

The principle is the same as Keep Talking. The first player lears the book of rituals and does not see what is happening at the second player. The second player performs instructions that the first player transmits him, but does not see the book of rituals. To overcome the generations of hell, the participants must constantly talk to each other and ideally understand the interlocutor with half.

Among features Exorcise The Demons – seven different rituals with elements of random generation, free additions in the future, as well as the plot mode, separated by 25 tasks. For a cooperative requires only one copy of the game – the book of rituals is distributed as a separate file.

Exorcise The Demons Enters Steam on September 18, 2019.
Exorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demons

Exorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demonsExorcise The Demons – like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, only about the expulsion of demons

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