Father Nes And Snes Masyuki Uemura Died

Home » Game News » Father Nes And Snes Masyuki Uemura Died
September 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

At one time, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and its succession SUPER NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (SNES) won great popularity worldwide. It became possible thanks to Masyuki Uemur (Masayuki Uemura) – It was he who developed both consoles. Unfortunately, today it became aware of his death. He was 78 years old.

Uemura settled in Nintendo In 1972, and first was engaged in creating a light pistol, which later began to use in such games as Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman and others. When the company passed restructuring, Uemura He became the head of the unit responsible for the development of equipment Nintendo. There, the first console of the company – Color TV-Game.

Father Nes And Snes Masyuki Uemura Died

Masyuki Uemura in youth.

In 1983 Uemura And his team released NES – an eight-bit console with games on cartridges. Only in Japan NES was sold by a circulation of 20 million devices, and the world digit froze at 61.91 million. Next, the engineer was headed by the development of sixteen-bit SNES. More than 49 million devices around the world were sold.

Uemura Engaged not only by “iron”: he also put his hand to creating games for NES, for example, Ice Climber, Golf, Tennis, Baseball, and to ports Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. And Mario Bros. with arcade machines on the console.

In 2004 Masyuki Uemura Out of Nintendo, But the company’s consultant has retained. After that, the engineer became the head of the Center for Gaming Sciences and the teacher at the Institute of Ritsumisan in Kyoto.

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