First Addon For “Lord Of The Rings Online”

Home » Game News » First Addon For “Lord Of The Rings Online”
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Lord of the Rings Online – one of the most successful newcomers in the online game market. Famous, almost the most revered fantasy-universe came to life in three-dimensional space, which attracted many players. Uspekhi Lord of the Rings Online allowed publisher Codemasters allocate more money on the project. As a result, we are waiting for at least two full-fledged additions, and not standard small additives like ten new swords and new regions. At the moment, only the first addon is officially announced – The Mines of Moria, which will be on sale already this year.

Supplement will allow characters with a high level to go on a trip to the underground world of goblins, which was once the ownership of dwarves (we saw that it became in the first film “Lord of the Rings”). The territory will be tightly populated by various creatures. No bosses like the famous Barrog. Developers promise that the battle with such a healthy will be truly unforgettable experiences for any player.

The maximum level will rise to 60, two new classes will appear (Warden and Runekeeper), new items are waiting for the fans of all sorts of artifacts and other trifles. Will increase the total number of scenario quests, which will bring the game even more Lord of the Rings Online With paper source. Finally, there will be no changes without change. Improved lighting, slightly crushed textures – even without these changes Lord of the Rings Online Looks smart.

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