“Friends And Enemies” – A Video About The Multiplayer Advantages Of The Absolver Fighting

Home » Game News » “Friends And Enemies” – A Video About The Multiplayer Advantages Of The Absolver Fighting
September 15, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

As they say Devolver Digital And Sloclap, Fighting with elements of the open world Absolver best reveals yourself along with connection to the network. Which features are waiting for players in a multiplayer, the authors told in a new video.

In the official list of questions and answers Sloclap says on the network structure Absolver Reminds Journey from THATGAMECOMPANY: You wander around the world and meet on your way of other gamers. And such a meeting does not necessarily mean a fight. Main task B Absolver – achieve the honorary title “Absolver”. When the player reaches the vertices of combat skills, he can help green beginners and become their mentor. Students are allowed to lent his combat deck from the mentor, even if there are movements that are not available to them.

In addition, players can be combined into groups of three people for cooperative passage in PVE, as well as beat one to one with other users.

Wherein Sloclap assures that Absolver You can pass without connecting to the network, but then you will lose a lot of interesting impressions.

Developers also prepare a series of free updates. For example, after the release in Absolver Fight three three, observer mode and rank matches will appear. Microtransactions and seasonal subscriptions are not planned, but some paid extension is quite possible if the public will warmly meet Absolver.

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