FUNCOM has transferred the game about the cartoon conan on the 2020s to add a network multiplayer to it
June 7, 2022
1 minute
On E3 2019 FunCom presented alternative conan – cartoon fighter Conan Chop Chop With an emphasis on a cooperative for four people. The game was supposed to go on September 3, but as a result, the developers decided to work over her some more and moved the release for 2020.
Main Cause – Desire to Add Network Multiplayer. Previously it was assumed that joint Rubilo monsters in Conan Chop Chop will be available only at one screen. As the authors say, they looked at how people play their creation on E3 and Gamescom, got a lot of pleasant feedback, but after public demonstrations it became clear – the community wants to see the Internet connection most of all.
Therefore, developers took a few more months for the development. They will add a network multiplayer and will introduce other improvements.
Now Conan Chop Chop must go somewhere in the first quarter of 2020. Platforms remained the same – PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC (including Steam).