Gameplay NEXT CAR GAME from Bugbear

Home » Game News » Gameplay NEXT CAR GAME from Bugbear
July 6, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Gameplay NEXT CAR GAME from Bugbear
Perhaps you have already forgotten, but after all Bugbear Entertainment still worries on creating ideological continuation of his hut racing series Flatout. The game is called, as they say, simple and tasteful – NEXT CAR GAME (“Next game about cars”).

The developers themselves describe it as a destructive autoimulator with spectacular clashes, realistic physics and masterfully selected cars. Is it so, you can check out in a fresh video showing gameplay NEXT CAR GAME.

Only Bugbear asks to take into account that the material presented is still far from excellence, since the work on the game is still in full swing. In particular, the track itself is not yet issued, plus temporarily not displayed damage applied by the player’s car.

Undoubtedly, NEXT CAR GAME It looks very sad, but there is one snag – the studio lacks 350 thousand American dollars to complete the project to Mau next year. That’s why Bugbear The campaign to collect funds among enthusiasts on Kickstarter. In the same place, by the way, you can at the same time read how much the game itself turns out.

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