Geralle And Cyrgy In The Witcher 3 Could Not Do Completely Naked Due To The Peculiarities Of The Age Ratings

Home » Game News » Geralle And Cyrgy In The Witcher 3 Could Not Do Completely Naked Due To The Peculiarities Of The Age Ratings
September 22, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

IN The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Full nude, however you will never see the dignity of Geralhal or the breasts of cursions. This is not an accident – CD Projekt Red intentionally avoided absolutely naked main characters so that the game does not have problems with organizations that exhibit age ratings in different countries.

Developer’s comments leads German site Gamestar. Roughly speaking, once a completely naked character goes under the user’s control, the Commission immediately begin to evaluate the game much hard. For example, in Germany, managed nude people are considered a violation of a local law protecting the psychological development of children. This is one of the reasons why pornigs prohibit in the country.

However, the nude itself is not rebeling. When setting a rating, repel from the context, the representative of the German Age Commission USK stressed in a conversation with Gamestar. Sex, if it is not interactive and without unnecessary bodily details, allowed.

Judging by the text Gamestar, in other countries there are also similar limitations. CD Projekt Red focused on the marks about the “adult” ratings, in which the game still can openly sold in the respective territories.

It so happened that scenes of sex and baths with bare women in The Witcher 3 there is, but the cursions always goes down in the covering rags, and heralt except that the lights in the cat-scene.

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