Giant Space Baths In The Battlefleet Gothic Tutorial: Armada 2

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October 4, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Focus Home Interactive And TINDALOS INTERACTIVE released a new video about Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, where they talk about the features of the gameplay. According to the authors, the educational video is enough to prepare for the upcoming beta testing of the game.

The focus – the battle of spacecraft. At the beginning of the battle you will have a fleet of one of the 12 fractions. The authors advise to take into account the features of the map: strategic dots, mine fields, debris, gas clouds and so on.

You will not see the enemy immediately – instead the game first shows the approximate marks, for which it is impossible to determine the class of ships. Stealth is an important gameplay feature Armada 2. Each faction has its own approach to secure: someone knows how to hide the entire fleet with advanced technologies or ancient knowledge, and someone relies on the environment. It is possible to find out about the forces of the opponent using probes or scouts.

Take a tactical smelter will have to be on several levels: not only your fraction will affect the battle, but also the composition of the ships, the ability of the admiral and improvement of the fleet. One space army operates according to the principle “hit – ran away,” another twisted on the enemies from afar, the third is especially dangerous in the near distances and so on. And a crumpled enemy or some trifle are generally allowed to move the giant ship.

Developers promise to continue the story about the gameplay in the second part of the video. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 will be released on PC January 24, 2019.

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