Horizon: Zero Dawn will cost no multiplayer

Home » Game News » Horizon: Zero Dawn will cost no multiplayer
July 26, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Horizon: Zero Dawn will cost no multiplayer
Artistic director Guerrilla Games Jan-Bart van Beck (Jan-Bart Van Beek) and lead producer studio Lambert Volterbeck Muller Lambert Wolterbeek Muller) talked to the Gamesradar Internet resource and clarified some moments relating to the gameplay Horizon: Zero Dawn.

First of all, developers confirmed that the role-playing action with the open world will not include a traditional competitive multiplayer. And all because the basis of the game, in their opinion, is exactly the single passage. Although “Some social elements” in Horizon: Zero Dawn, They say, will also be present.

Developers also stressed that almost every Tresting and rods in the world of Action will be available for your study. While the combat system will allow users to fight hostile cyber merchants in three different styles. There you have a little care stealth, and the attacks in the forehead with sufficient firepower, and cunning traps.

Accordingly, as we move to Horizon: Zero Dawn It will be possible to customize ELA taking into account the preferred style. Or in general in all directions, if you like it. As claim Van Beck, System of experience points is mainly tied to peppers.

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