Implants in the near update Planetside 2 will not be
July 13, 2022
2 minutes
Sony Online Entertainment All the long road from the announcement to the release and then assured the gaming public that MMO-shooter Planetside 2 Do not take away from your users a penny for gameplay bonuses. However, I forgot about these assurances, whether I decided that the money is more important than promises, but already in the near addition in the game they had to appear for Real Implants, giving valuable short-term (several hours) bonuses.
But exactly what “should have”. Since now should not and will not – the developers decided to change their mind after players raised the protest boch about the upcoming innovation. What a boss Soe John Smedley (John SMedley) reported in his “Twitter”. From this it does not follow that implants in the game will not be. Will be. But it is now they are sent to refinement and will not appear in the nearest addition.
The victory of good over the dubl is pleased, however, such a clumsy and contrary to the previous promises an attempt to cut extra money is alarming. Does it mean that financial flows from Planetside 2 The Casna of the Corporation began to dry out, and the developers urgently seek new ways to fill them?