In Neutana, Drake From Uncharted Never Falls. Instead, He Decreases Luck

Home » Game News » In Neutana, Drake From Uncharted Never Falls. Instead, He Decreases Luck
September 19, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

There is such a common gaming convention: the hero can withstand dozens of hits, sit down in shelter and get out of there with alive and healthy. Turns out, Naughty Dog In the series Uncharted I decided this problem, but so that you are unlikely to guess this without assistance.

Animator Naughty Dog Jonathan Cooper (Jonathan Cooper) shared an amazing detail in his Twitter. It turns out, Drake in Uncharted never gets damage from bullets. Instead of the health indicator, it acts a good luck indicator: the screen pulsates red when the fortune on the outcome, and in the tomb of the tombs is about to share the deadly dose of lead.

Puli always fly past Drakes, but close misses reduce luck: it is worth it to drop to a critical minimum, as the hero will die, as if the most ordinary person, – no magic with wounds that are tightened with phenomenal speed.

Creative head of the first three Uncharted Amy Hennig (Amy Hennig) confirmed the statement Cooper: According to her, the team came up with such a system to more accurately convey the spirit of films that served as inspiration for the game.

Now you know the terrible truth: Nethane Drake is not a superherier with regeneration, but just incredibly lucky hell.

True! That Was The Original Intention (to Stay More Aligned With The Spirit and Tone Of the Films We Were Homaging).

– Amy Hennig (@amy_hennig) JULY 8, 2018

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