In Scotland, Video Games Accused Of Stabbing

Home » Game News » In Scotland, Video Games Accused Of Stabbing
December 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The United Kingdom broke out a new scandal around cruel video games. This time his reason was the case in the Scottish town of Claidbank. There, until the spring of last year they lived peacefully and did not serve two choles 13 and 14 years old.

Boys (the finger does not rise to write “guys”) lived with his kid’s life, and in the interruptions between her played in GEARS OF WAR 3, Where and met on one of the online sessions. The fact that the game is the rating “18+”, apparently, nor them nor their parents bothered.

However, once both virtual fighters did not agree on a topical issue and walked to each other dislike. The “Cold War” was about a month, and then they met on the street, and the one that the younger, shelted the fact that older, the knife on the throat. And with the words “not die” left bleeding on the street.

The victim of stabbing was lucky – he did not die, although he suffered an operation and now suffers from physical and psychological consequences. His former friend of Zagrebral in Kutuzku and now judge. During the process, he managed to become a father, but such trifles in Scotland, obviously, do not surprise anyone – this is not America.

But cutting the throat there is not accepted. Therefore, someone Brian daughter (Brian docherty), which is one of the local important cops, believes that video games are to blame. Or those who control them and admits young fathers (in direct sense) to products designed for much more older comrades. Even if they have not yet become fathers.

Hence the moral – guy, of course, punish. But not too, because he himself is the victim of the Bogop. And responsible persons to attract. In order to other developers and publishers were no strong. However, “responsible persons” categorically disagree with such a statement.

Spoke at the meeting representative Microsoft, For example, stated that their console (and Xbox 360 also landed the culprits) has an excellent parental control system. And if the parents live their children is not up to the light bulb, then configure the corresponding options is not at all difficult.

The court did not say his good word, but it seems to us that video games will again come out with dry water. Because with them the devil, but he does not give his offense.

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