“Rage of the Elements” will fall on Neverwinter

Home » Game News » “Rage of the Elements” will fall on Neverwinter
July 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

“Rage of the Elements” will fall on Neverwinter
Perfect World And Cryptic Studios Incidentally, it is not losing and already working on a new one – the sixth on account – a large-scale addition for Neverwinter.

It is called the “Enemy of Elements”, and it is no coincidence. The cult of the elements conceived a bad against the protectorate, and only you, of course, will be able to defeat the enemy and establish the world around the world.

As it should be, the addon will bring new expanses on which users Neverwinter will meet many dangers on your head, as well as some of the famous characters of the Universe Dungeons & Dragons. Among other things, according to developers, the “fury of the elements” will increase the limit level of development of the hero to Semesey, plus new unique abilities will be at your disposal.

It should also be noted that with the arrival of the update in MMORPG will appear and the Eighth Game Class – Paladin. And notice, as the events develop, depending on your choice, this mighty hero will be able to become either a pecker or warrior.

Finally the creators Neverwinter intriguing tell, they say, in a slightly more distant future, the game will be replenished with the forts system. When it happens, they are, however, they do not say, but, apparently, somewhere in 2015. “Rage of the Elements” will fall on Neverwinter

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