The best developers of 2008

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August 15, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The best developers of 2008
Agency Game Developer Research published a list of the best developers of 2008. Many companies distinguished themselves. But publish a complete hit parade (consisting of 50 companies) we will not. Let’s call only the top ten leaders. The winners were selected by the number of successfully working studios, sold games and their ranking on sites like Metacritic. In the first place was Nintendo, which continues to lead the gaming consoles in the market with their Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS. The Japanese put on casuals and did not lose. Many consoles sold and millions of copies of the implemented games. In addition, “simple” projects are often highly evaluated by journalists.

The second place went Blizzard. However, it is understandable. Large-scale virtual fever called World of Warcraft continues to infect all new and new people, pulling them out of the real world. In addition, the company’s rating has grown thanks to a close release Diablo 3 And STARCRAFT 2. Troika leaders closures Ubisoft Montreal. As for the fourth and fifth positions, they are settled Rockstar North And Electronic Arts Canada. Otherwise:

one. Nintendo
2. Blizzard Entertainment
3. Ubisoft Montreal
4. Rockstar North
five. Ea Canada
6. Konami
7. Valve Software
8. Epic Games
I. EA Tiburon
10. Treyarch

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