Mail.Ru Will Soon Begin Testing Mmo Action About Tanks

Home » Game News » Mail.Ru Will Soon Begin Testing Mmo Action About Tanks
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

If you are still not in the tank, but think. Or not in the tank, but not averse to feel again as the armored wall (albeit virtual), then Mail.RU there is something to offer you – the company began to promote the domestic market new militaristic armored action Ground War: Tanks Chinese company CHANGYOU.

Despite the origin, the tanks in the game look tanks. In any case, nothing pink, in mini and with busts of the fifth size there seems to be no. Although we are not sure that this is good – when the Chinese change their design principles, you can expect anything. However, in any rules there are exceptions, and maybe, Ground War just it is.

Another trick game is browser – if it wants to use it, it is enough to register on the site, open the browser and start playing. True, right now you can only register and wait for invitations to a closed beta, which starts on May 6.

All participants in testing are waiting for hundreds of models of armored vehicles (including pre-war on the 30s, the time of war, SAU, Soviet and foreign), battles with the participation of 30 and less machines, charts Unity 3D, valuable gifts, fast launch of PVE missions and the reconstruction of famousTank battles.

Management Mail.RU It believes that now, when questions of the patriotic education of young people again went to the forefront of the struggle for the bright future of our beloved homeland, the combat Chinese game about tanks is exactly what you need.

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