Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil

Home » Game News » Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil
March 4, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil
“Gallowmir: parsing analysis” – a series of rollers illuminating different remake aspects Medievil. In past releases Other Ocean And Sony Already told about the shields and about the angles of the camera, and today we were talking about weapons.

Main character Medievil Daniel Fortescia is able to use various types of weapons – hammer, sword, onions and so on. Some kind of situations in certain situations, and some apparently need just for a variety. The main thing, do not release the thing from the hands – it can make an earliest enemy.

Medievil starts 25 October only on PlayStation 4. In addition to the fresh roller, we also apply earlier – they were transferred to Russian not so long ago.
Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil

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Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil
Masha sword, until he was surf, – video about weapons in Medievil

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