“Mass Effect With Horror” – Chris Avellon About Canceled Rpg Aliens: Crucible

Home » Game News » “Mass Effect With Horror” – Chris Avellon About Canceled Rpg Aliens: Crucible
November 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In the second half of zero Obsidian Entertainment Developed role-playing game Aliens: Crucible Under the supervision of the publisher SEGA. The project in the end was canceled, but the development went rather far – there are even a demonstration of early versions on the network. Former screenwriter Obsidian Chris Avellon (Chris Avell1) at the Reboot Develop Conference Talked a little about an unsuccessful attempt to turn “Alien” in rpg.

As tells Avellon, Very roughly speaking, Aliens: Crucible looked like “Mass Effect with an increased horror “. Obsidian It sought to keep the feeling of fear: it came to the fact that the world did not frozen during the dialogues, so someone else could interrupt your trit from NPC at any time. According to Avellona, Attempts to make conversations more frightening turned out to be the most difficult task in developing.

IN Aliens: Crucible Players had to wander in the company with partners under the control of A9. Comrades could have been given simple teams: attack a certain enemy or sit down in shelter. Similarly, the combat system works and Mass Effect.

Avellon says the main characters Aliens: Crucible They arrived at the planet, where the buildings of the mysterious race of engineers were located. The planet was unstable, so the team scattered over the entire surface. People had to understand how to collect all the resources and raise the base.

In scenarios Aliens: Crucible There were similarities with the film “Prometheus”, Notes Avellon. But the movie came only in 2012, three years after the cancellation of RPG from Obsidian! However, Planet B Aliens: Crucible planned more hostile than in “Promethea”: for example, there was much more strangers in the game.

Avellon Does not condemn SEGA For what she canceled Aliens: Crucible. In the same period, the publisher participated in the development Alpha Protocol And, according to Avellona, tritely tired of management freezes Obsidian. What exactly was the cause of tense relations between the two companies, Avellon does not clarify but says the team Obsidian worked out Aliens: Crucible with great enthusiasm.

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