Michel Ansel told what happened to the first version of Beyond Good & Evil 2

Home » Game News » Michel Ansel told what happened to the first version of Beyond Good & Evil 2
August 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Michel Ansel told what happened to the first version of Beyond Good & Evil 2
Recent revival Beyond Good & Evil 2 – This is not the first appearance of the game in public. Ubisoft twisted the trailer in 2008, but then the sequel disappeared somewhere. Creator franchise Michel Ansel (Michel Ancel) explained that then happened.

According to the developer, Beyond Good & Evil 2 there were a lot of gameplay prototypes. The video shown in those days rendered in real time, but the team collided with a huge number of things. Ambitions were huge: Ansel And comrades wanted to make a study of planets, cosmic flights, cities. And all this was planned for the first Beyond Good & Evil.

But the mosaic did not develop. The authors stood before choosing: or trim the wings of her dream game, or to do something else until technology develop. The team chose the second path and pulled away from the series Rayman, Release Rayman Origins And Rayman Legends.

Apparently, now the technology has grown up to the desired level, and the developers returned again to Beyond Good & Evil 2. And although there are still a lot of work, Ansel I am confident in your team for all one hundred.

In the picture below – characters from Beyond Good & Evil 2 Sample 2008. Michelle published an image with a comment in his Instagram.Michel Ansel told what happened to the first version of Beyond Good & Evil 2

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