Multiplayer modification for Just Cause 3 will be ready in a week

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July 25, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Multiplayer modification for Just Cause 3 will be ready in a week
Immediately remind that Avalanche Studios initially refused to make multiplayer mode for Just Cause 3, To allegedly not spray forces and focus solely on a single campaign. Fortunately, this did not prevent fans of modifications to correct the situation.

Command Nanos GBR Finally called the day when everyone will be able to free download Just Cause 3: Multiplayer MOD In Steam and the whole crowd, go to sow chaos in the open world Rico Rodriguez.

If you believe the developers who tested the beta version of the modification from December last year, the multiplayer will appear in Just Cause 3 After a week – from July 20.

Just like the multiplayer modification for Just Cause 2 in my time, Just Cause 3: Multiplayer MOD Allows a large number of players on one server and invent a variety of entertainment, whether races, competitive matches, or just tents on the island of Medici in search of trouble on their heads. Plus Here you can create your own game modes.

Of course, the modification is imperfect and not deprived of some problems with the balance, but it’s fun. The main thing is to have a copy Just Cause 3.

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