Napoleon Returned To Russia

Home » Game News » Napoleon Returned To Russia
September 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Firm “1C” reported on sale “Napoleon: Total War (single game)” – Special version designed exclusively for single passage. This publication does not include a multiplayer, does not provide for installing updates and, accordingly, does not require the procedure of Internet activation.

Recall that Napoleon: Total War Invite you to go through three campaigns, entirely and completely based on military exploits of Napoleon Bonaparte. The action of the first campaign unfolds in Northern Italy and Austria;The second – in the north of Africa and the Middle East;Third – in Europe. Ends everything is clear and predictable – the battle of Waterloo, which marked the end of the whole era of the Great French Commissioner. Of course, the ability to play in the other side of the conflict and rewrite the story is not doing anywhere, as well as take part in a separate historical battle.

In any case, you have to get acquainted with three hundreds of various combat units, differing from each other as an appearance and abilities. Changes and marine battles have undergone – so now you can patch the holes right during the battle. For all this corresponds to the Warscape graphics engine, capable of boasting new physics, improved graphic effects, post-processing colors and blueberries.

Well, in order to learn the maximum of information about Napoleon: Total War, We recommend that you contact the review and video review from

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