NBA Live 13 did not meet hope and went under the knife

Home » Game News » NBA Live 13 did not meet hope and went under the knife
August 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

NBA Live 13 did not meet hope and went under the knife
As became known, Electronic Arts decided to cancel the yield of the basketball simulator NBA LIVE 13, the release of which was supposed to take place this fall. This publisher reported on its official website. The statement says that the cause of the cancellation was the low quality of the final build. However, we still see the final version, but it will happen before the next year and, presumably, the game will be called NBA Live 14.

The situation commented on the vice president EA Sports Andrew Wilson (Andrew Wilson): “I am saddown by the fact that we have not achieved a proper quality level in a new NBA Live, But I preserve faith in the project. We strive to bring innovations in a multiplayer and reached significant results in the modernization of the engine. But the main priority for us, of course, remains high-quality gameplay – this is the most important component of any game “.

Note that this is not the first case when EA Closes almost ready-made project. In 2010, under the knife went NBA ELITE 11 from Ea Canada – Also because of low quality. Improved committed EA Tiburon. “Electronics” needed a basketball simulator, capable of making decent competition series NBA from 2k, And NBA ELITE 11 then just lost on the background of magnificent NBA 2K11.

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