Invulnerable magician in Diablo 3

Home » Game News » Invulnerable magician in Diablo 3
June 24, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Invulnerable magician in Diablo 3
In complainants on bugs and exploit Diablo 3 A new reason for whining. And all because of the opportunities opened by the earliest gamers, the opportunity to make the Wizard class (magician in the Russian version) is completely invulnerable to any attacks. The conversion algorithm to an invulnerable extermination car is very simple (further apologists of the purity of the gamers’ ranks is better not to read in order not to put themselves in temptation).

The wizard is taken (one thing), the abilities of Teleport and Archon (or Improved Archon) are selected. And then the mouse cursor is on the character and the teleport first is used, and then Archon. And voila – you can kill everyone without any risk to die for yourself. The people already in protest uses this opportunity, and Blizzard still not responded.

However, having remembered about similar stories in other games of the company, we would recommend all those who want to try the forbidden fetus, not to get involved in a protest. Developer’s response can be very unpleasant. The fact that you lose everything earned in dishonest way is not even discussed. But it can be caught in a bath.

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