New Complaint Of West And Plumbes

Home » Game News » New Complaint Of West And Plumbes
October 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Rebellious former director Infinity Ward West and Plopella rolled to the court complaint Activision, which is protesting against recent actions of the company who completed their claims to a couple of complaints to Electronic Arts. Jason and Vince assure that “cats” knew about involvement EA in the case in the summer, but specially did not include it in the number of respondents to do it now and tighten the process.

The situation is really unpleasant. So far, the trial is appointed for May, but new requirements Activision may postpone hearing for an indefinite period. But legal battles in the US are not in a penny and not even in the cent, but in dollars. And very decent dollars. West and Zamcella claim to have already spent more money on lawyers than earn a year. And the trigger of the court plays the hand of bourgeois from Activision, And it is unfair. And the world’s most democratic in the world should decide to defend simple workers in their fight against the damned capitalists.

In addition to the money there is also another factor. While the proceedings last, Jason and Vince can not be absolutely focused on their new project in Respawn Entertainment. As a result, business suffers and people involved in it. What also plays on hand Activision, and that in turn plays dirty and not according to the rules. And should not be punished for this … it seems that the war acquires a protracted position. Blitzkrig is not exactly not to wait for us, it would be nice to end the fighting for the next new year ..

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