Neil Patrick Harris and Throy Baker Playing Batman: Arkham Knight

Home » Game News » Neil Patrick Harris and Throy Baker Playing Batman: Arkham Knight
June 15, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Neil Patrick Harris and Throy Baker Playing Batman: Arkham Knight
Looks like, Warner Bros. Surrounded by Activision, which is famous for his love for attracting Hollywood actors not only in themselves Call of Duty, But in large-budget trailers to them. And not only after seeing, but decided to surpass competitors on the publishing case, calling for advertising Batman: Arkham Knight Immediately with a dozen show business representatives.

Three-minute video for Irrodelov installed frequenter Saturday Night Live Taran Killem (Taran Killam). Whereas among celebrities, supposedly the first to test new creation Rocksteady Studios, lit up Neil Patrick Harris Neil Patrick Harris), WIZ Khalifa, Mink Kelly MINKA KELLY), Joe Mangannello (Joe Manganiello), Blake Anderson (Blake Anderson), ijustine, Brekin Meyer Breckin Meyer), Kumel Nanjiani (Kumail Nanjiani), as well as the performer of the role of Batman in the game Kevin Konroy (Kevin congor) and our beloved Throy Baker (Troy Baker). Especially cute looks when the latter praises voice acting Batman: Arkham Knight. How good is two!
Neil Patrick Harris and Throy Baker Playing Batman: Arkham Knight

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