Nioh: Defiant Honor will show the castle winter siege in Osaka

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August 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nioh: Defiant Honor will show the castle winter siege in Osaka
Koei Tecmo And Team Ninja told about the next paid supplement for Nioh. It’s called Defiant Honor and will be released after a couple of weeks.

As developers are said in the official PlayStation blog, the main place of action Defiant Honor will be the castle in Osaka, the biggest and impregnable castle of the Sengokok period. And one of the key characters will be Sanada Yukimura, The legendary warrior and quite real historical hero.

Sanada serves as a clan Toyatomi, which will enjoy S Tokugavaya Iehasu. The conflict between these sides is exacerbated, and Sanada Prepares his warriors to the inevitable bloody fight. To withstand the onslaught clan Tokugava, Sanada Building a fortress on the outskirts of the castle in Osaka.

Nioh: Defiant Honor will show the castle winter siege in OsakaNioh: Defiant Honor will show the castle winter siege in Osaka

Main character Nioh William turns out to be in the fortress Sanada After being chase for Maria. In Osaka, winter came, so the environment in Defiant Honor will be appropriate.

In addition, the deadly weapons of Tonfa, new armor, magical objects, patron perfumes will appear, and, of course, the opponents unprecedented earlier. In addition, you can open fresh achievements and experience new levels of difficulty.

Nioh: Defiant Honor will be released July 25. Approximate price – 9.99 Euro. Either for free if you purchased a seasonal subscription.

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