New Quake Champions Trailer – Sorlag Lizard

Home » Game News » New Quake Champions Trailer – Sorlag Lizard
July 25, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

New Quake Champions Trailer – Sorlag Lizard
Bethesda Softworks I have already introduced a lot of champions for which you can play in a multiplayer network shooter Quake Champions from ID Software And Saber interactive (unless, of course, lay out a certain amount). But it turns out, not all!

Today, developers have published a new trailer dedicated to another heroine with a lizard-like appearance. Her name is sorlag, and you may learn her if played in QUAKE III ARENA. Sorlag – “Speak and ambitious hunter for slaves from the race of alien reptiles”.

The active skill of this champion is called “Acid spit”. His beauty lies in the fact that Sorlag covers the battlefield and body of their enemies saliva, which makes opponents of direct damage at the moment of contact and continues to apply additional damage over time, gradually feeding their flesh. Also excellent for creating traps and is especially effective in narrow corridors.

But the passive skills in sorlag are at once two: “Bunny Hop” (allows you to type the speed, making jumps in one direction, significantly increases maneuverance) and “acid immunity” (makes it immunity to the effects of its and foreign acid spruits).

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