Paragon goes to “Early Access” from March 18

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July 8, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Paragon goes to “Early Access” from March 18
Now that we have seen on rapid (in all senses of this word) fragments Paragon, command Epic Games Finally, ready to voice some dates and numbers.

The developers reported that from March 18, the Frighuyan Moba goes to “Early Access”, where new heroes will be added every three weeks, getting various events and distribute weekly and daily awards. And so that you can be guaranteed to take part in fun, creators Paragon Offer to purchase “Special Sets”, which will go on sale on March 14.

In addition to timely access to the Early Access, the Founder’s Pack kit for 799 rubles also provides appearance, strengthening and items to change the appearance of heroes. In Challenger Pack for 2399 rubles and Master Pack for 3999 rubles of game content, respectively, even more. Plus, both sets include an additional Founder’s Pack (such as to give a friend).

Those who do not want to spend on any sets will have to wait for beta-weekends where everyone will let. Release Paragon On PC and PlayStation 4 is still scheduled for the summer of 2016.

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