Pirates killed “Unreal Tournament 3”

Home » Game News » Pirates killed “Unreal Tournament 3”
June 6, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Pirates killed “Unreal Tournament 3”
Attempts to score pirates by pouring litters of verbal hatred continue. Of course, Corsairs – Beach and so far the incurable virus of our ill-fated platform. With viruses need to fight, but in these words do not definitely be defeated. Actually, about the news itself.

Studio Epic Games more than once complained about the vanity thieves and users themselves who bought or downloaded pirated versions of their brainchildren called Unreal Tournament 3. Supposedly precisely because of this, official sales are quite well appreciated in the press of the network militant turned out to be insignificant. The other day, such information was supplemented with the following. It turns out that the owners of pirate copies tried to connect to the official servers of the game. The total number of daring attempts exceeded 40 million (!). With this data, you can imagine the number of pirated copies without any problems. If in Epic Games considered losses, then economists and heads of the studio probably possess steel nerves.

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