Playstation Launches The “Discount Battle” With Special Offers

Home » Game News » Playstation Launches The “Discount Battle” With Special Offers
October 3, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Russian Branch of PlayStation launched a special share of “Battle of discounts”. This is not just a sale, but a whole set of special offers! He will appeal as those who have a PlayStation 4 yet and those who have already bought the console.

“Battle of discounts” will be held from August 22 to September 4 in a number of large retail chains of Russia. During the action at any partner store when buying PlayStation 4, you will receive as a gift Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. In addition, it makes sense to immediately issue a subscription PlayStation Plus – now you can pay the year for just 2,399 rubles instead of the usual 3 199.

Finally, 10 popular exclusives PlayStation 4 received discounts up to 50%. A complete list of offers looks like this:

● Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – 3 999 2,890 rubles;
● Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection – 3,9999 2,899 rubles;
● The Last Of US: Remastered – 2,899 1,799 rubles;
● Bloodborne – 2,899 1,799 rubles;
● Bloodborne: Game of the Year Edition – 3,9999 2,899 rubles;
● Until Dawn – 3,9999 2,899 rubles;
● Infamous: Second Son – 2 299 1 199 rubles;
● Driveclub – 1 799 1 199 rubles;
● Killzone: Shadow Fall – 2 299 1,099 rubles;
● Ratchet & Clank – 2 299 1 799 rubles;
● The Order 1886 – 2 299 1 799 rubles.

The share was supported by “M.Video “,” 1C Interest “,” Eldorado “, Media Markt, Yulmart, Ozon.RU, Sony Center, GameZone, Republic of Games, DNS, GamePark, Key.RU, “Delicacy of stereo”, videoigr.NET, “Pyramid” and “Corporation” Center “”. Other details on the official page of “Discount Battle”.

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