Quake Champions Will Appear In Steam

Home » Game News » Quake Champions Will Appear In Steam
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Multiplayer shooter Quake Champions Currently lives only on the personal site Bethesda called Bethesda.Net Launcher. Fortunately for all hatering third-party programs, the game will not remain an exclusive.

Bethesda Softworks And ID Software answered a number of burning issues that set the community at the official forum. Among other things, the developers confirmed that Quake Champions will appear in steam. You will need to associate your account with the Bethesda service.NET, however, in general, the game will be launched without additional laying in the form of Bethesda.Net Launcher.

When a release in Steam will be held, the authors do not disclose, but they say so: for the current phase of beta testing Quake Champions will be available only through Bethesda.No.Quake Champions Will Appear In Steam
The creators also answered a lot of other issues about the game. For example, at the moment the main priorities are productivity, network code, stability and balance. The latter is especially important, as the QUAKE World Championships championship qualification part starts on June 29.

In addition, developers work above the threshold of entry and progress systems. For the sake of the first are going to add more learning methods, training cards and improvements in the interface to make newcomers feel more confident. The second is needed to ensure that the players remain with Quake Champions as long as possible and returned to the game every week.

Other details learn on the official forum.

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