Rayman Origins will continue

Home » Game News » Rayman Origins will continue
June 30, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Rayman Origins will continue
Despite the wonderful reviews, platformer Rayman Origins In retail felt not so wonderful. For example, in the US for the month only 50 thousand copies of the game. And in the United Kingdom, she did not even be able to break through the TOP 40.

But good games have a wonderful feature – the demand for them is not reduced much longer than on bad. In addition, the numerous platforms also obviously played Rayman Origins (the game seems to be quite well in pocket consoles, and computer users love it).

In a word, there is a reason for the development of Sicvel, which confirmed and sent to the marketing company ARKENFORD (has long been seen in partnership with Ubisoft) survey. In it, the addressees are invited to express their wishes to continue and simultaneously argues that it will definitely.

Of the possible features, as approved is to present a change of setting – a new Rayman Origins Command among the “legendary worlds, full castles, vampires, ghosts, Greek gods and dragons”. Multiplayer, of course, will continue. And its design will not be particularly changed. Everything else we learn with time.

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